Metodología para Implementar un Sistema de Gestión de Energía en una instalación institucional, basado en la norma NTC-ISO 50001(2011-11-30) caso : Instituto Técnico Industrial Francisco José de Caldas
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This paper assesses the feasibility of implementing the methodology presented in the NTC- ISO 50001(20111130) energy management system standard at an institutional installation.
The most important objective for developing a methodology in order to implement a Energy Management System in an institutional installation is to propitiate the importance of saving electric energy. It would be archived by means of the inclusion of economic rentability criteria of the proposed actions so that concrete results can be promoted and induced into the saving of electric energy through the archievement of energetics audits. Also, it would be taken into account the standardization of some methodologies and procedures which could be used for the implementation of solutions in the field of efficiency and use of energy which are essential elements to the reduction of energetics costs.