Política pública educativa, sexualidad y escuela en Colombia
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This document collects the research work called “Educative public policy. Sexuality and school in Colombia” which was presented in order to get the title of Master in Communication and Education in the public culture research line, postgraduate Degree program given by The Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas. This research arises from two important moments in the history of the country: On one hand we have the knowledge about the school environments free of discrimination. Sexual orientation and non-hegemonic gender identity in the school. On the other hand the plebiscite for peace, in which the topic related to sexuality was addressed from different perspectives, it was used and distorted. Therefore, the development of this project has been carried out from the sexual educative public policies, the position of the school, the family, the religion and some sections related to gender, the management of the media and social networks.