Especialización en Telecomunicaciones Móviles
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Ítem Análisis del impacto socioeconómico de la implementación de la tecnología 4g-lte en ColombiaAroca Hernández, Abel; Rios Alayon, Cristhian Andrés; Castañeda, IgnacioThis document aims to inform the university community about the socioeconomic impact that the implementation of 4g-lte technology in Colombia may have in the coming years, taking into account the behavior of the implementation of 4g technology in other Latin American countries that are socioeconomically similar to ColombiaÍtem Guía para la preparación de la certificación hcia-5g v2.0 de HuaweiLarrarte Castañeda, Fernando; Gómez Paredes, Juan Carlos; Gómez Paredes, Juan Carlos [0000-0001-5000-8121]The Huawei certification program is composed by two application branches, diverse emphasis lines and multiple knowledge areas. In the context of mobile telecommunications industry the 5G (fifth generation) Associate level certification gets special interest, main subject to be covered in this article, being the author´s aim to consolidate and share useful and general interest information in a structured and organized manner for those who wish to acquire the knowledge evaluated in the certification exam, in such a way that he/she can get prepared to schedule and approve it.Ítem Antenas multihaz.Vásquez Méndez, Álvaro Hernán; Suarez Fajardo, Carlos ArturoThe new generations of mobile networks aim to satisfy the great demand for mobile data that has been occurring in recent years, as a result of the development of new technologies, applications and services. Its main requirements are to achieve high data transmission rates, massive user capacity, low energy consumption, high communication reliability and low latency. New antenna technologies have contributed to a notable improvement in mobile communication networks, providing them with of greater capacity, coverage, quality of service and mobility. These techniques have emerged according to existing needs, which have motivated competition between manufacturers to provide the best possible solution according to existing needs and marking an evolutionary character in the use of mobile antennas. That is why in this article a general description will be made of the systems that use large arrays of antennas in the base station, to transmit to multiple users in the same time-frequency resource and that have been proposed to solve these new demands.Ítem Diseño de un enlace de fibra óptica entre los municipios de Valledupar y Popayán.Pinzon Fernandez, Robert Isauro; Gomez Paredes, Juan CarlosThis project shows the design and simulation of a fiber optic link that joins the ends located between the cities from Valledupar and Popayán, choosing the best way to do it and through the simulation to discover which is the appropriate hardware for said solution, to be able to compensate for the needs of the network, this document will be divided into the following aspects: starting with the layout of the route between the municipalities from Valledupar and Popayán, continuing with the selection of both the wiring and the rest of the hardware necessary to establish said route in order to design and simulate the budget of energy and bandwidth so that it can be verified by simulation if the link meets the link quality.Ítem Mediciones comparativas de la experiencia de usuario en las redes móviles 4G y 5G actuales.Suárez Redondo, Camilo Andrés; Gómez Paredes, Juan CarlosThis document presents a comparison between measurements taken in fourth and fifth generation networks (LTE+ and NR-NSA, respectively). Commercial available devices are used (mobile phones and wireless modems) to estimate the performance differences perceived by an user, in terms of throughput as well as latency. The study is done on currently existent infrastructure, so its state (performance indicators-wise) with respect to technical specification of the current technology is also checked.Ítem Adquisición, análisis y transmisión de datos a través de una aplicación móvil médica a una base de datos utilizando el protocolo HL7Acuña Gil, Ivan Dario; Gómez Paredes, Juan CarlosMedical information systems in the world use the HL7 standard to communicate, this is a set of standards that facilitates the exchange of information from any medical device, whether it is a computer or information system. This project proposes the development of a mobile application that acquires the patient's cardiac information from sensors and transmits it through a mobile device using the HL7 standard, to a database where the information will be available at all times and specialists can diagnose whether there are risks to the patient's health and thus avoid medical fatalities that may occur in the long or short term depending on the diagnosis made by the medical specialist. The information is acquired in the App, transmitted through the cellular mobile network and received in the server where it will be compared with a dataset that includes the patient's normal vital signs. The system will indicate if the data obtained are within the ideal ranges and the health professional can proceed with the corresponding treatment to avoid fatalities.Ítem Las amenazas de seguridad a las que se enfrenta IoT y las soluciones en desarrolloDavid Patiño, Dennis Rolando; Sánchez Galindo, Edgar Alexander; Gómez Paredes, Juan CarlosIoT is the main focus in the progress of the technology, its ambition to connect to Internet a huge variety of devices which we live together daily has created that its demand increase every day and it is no longer a small market niche, in fact, the growth of IoT is exponential and we can affirm that in the coming years we will have tens of millions of devices connected and controlled from Internet without any kind of human interaction. This includes the deployment of a big technological ecosystem where data management needs to be implemented through great computing and storage resources dedicated to data processing. However, the IoT growth has generated at the same time an increase in vulnerabilities that may affect devices and perhaps due to the desire of manufacturers to generate IoT solutions, the security information has not been the priority, and that information will be more sensitive and relevant day by day. The aim of this document is to highlight the main security problems that IoT faces, describing how these problems affect the end user and at the same time to study the possible solutions that have been developed to solve the problem.Ítem Puesta en servicio de una portadora nueva de LTE, en la banda de 850 MHz, para un operador de telefonía móvil en Bogotá.Prado López, Gustavo Hernán; Gómez Paredes, Juan CarlosThis article propose a methodology from the RF view, for the initial tunning of a LTE carrier, in 850 MHz band, for a mobile operator in Bogotá. The mobile market in Colombia and in the world is constantly growing along with the demand for connectivity. With the advancement of new technologies and users increasingly eager to explore them, it is necessary to better exploit the most valuable resource in wireless telecommunications, the spectrum. That is why all operators worldwide are investing in the acquisition of greater spaces of this resource for their new deployments and are carrying out refarming that allows them to take advantage of the spaces already acquired with state-of-the-art technologies.Ítem La Esim y su importancia en las nuevas tecnologías.Ramírez Falla, Nicolás Felipe; Gómez Paredes, Juan CarlosThis document is an investigation based on a bibliographical compilation about the operation and main characteristics of the SIM Card, as well as its evolution until arriving at the eSIM showing the advantages and disadvantages of this and its importance in the new 5G technology.Ítem Un acercamiento a los tipos de servicios y utilización de la red móvil para la interconexión de dispositivos IoTMaldonado Gómez, Sara Elisabet; Guapacha García, Carolina; Gómez Paredes, Juan CarlosSince 2010, the Internet of Things IoT paradigm has meant a revolution in business-level connectivity, because it is possible to automate certain processes that do not require human intervention in person, however, this also means a great challenge at the level of design and implementation, as well as data traffic management through operators. Over the years, the use of these services has become widespread mainly in the agricultural industry and many of the developments and entrepreneurship that exist in the country are focused precisely on that industry. Below, you will find the Iot and m2m services’ definitions and characteristics, such as services that are being used at the moment by the different communication companies in Colombia, describing the characteristics of each of these and focusing mainly on 2G networks and the possible impact on their shutdown.Ítem Manual de inicio - HTZ CommunicationRuiz Moncada, Nicolas Agustin; Ospina Rueda, Daniel Eduardo; Gómez Paredes, Juan CarlosHTZ Communications-ATDI es un software de simulación de comunicaciones por radio basado en un sistema de información de mapas. El objetivo del presente manual es mostrar una descripción de cada uno de los paneles de la herramienta, el paso a paso desde iniciar un proyecto, describiendo cada uno de los componentes que se deben cargar para poder trabajar con la herramienta de forma elocuente, mostrando diferentes procesos para la simulación en diferentes servicios como cobertura y radioenlace de microondas y análisis de interferencia, para finalmente obtener los archivos exportables compatibles con el software.Ítem Antenas MIMO y sus aplicaciones en las telecomunicacionesSuárez Mejía, Oscar Daniel; Gómez Paredes, Juan CarlosOn this paper will be performed a compilation of papers about different applications in which they have been implemented MIMO antennas, e.g. 5G, WiMAX, WLAN, X-Band, 4G, mobile devices, IoT, etc. Its great advantages are considered whit another generation antennas, as they are coverage increase on wireless technology, more speed, bandwidth efficiency and size versatility, allowing introduce these antennas on mobile devices. Likewise will be presented analysis of differents design techniques of these antennas and radiation diagram to identificate the most efficient design and bandwidth operation to 5G (3.3GHz-3.6GHz)Ítem Mejora de la cobertura en Colombia, con la asignación de espectro en 700 MHz y 2500 MHzAvila Vargas, Trady Alexander; Afanador Montañez, Luis Enrique; Gómez Paredes, Juan CarlosIn Colombia, the greatest scope of internet coverage is concentrated in the municipal capitals, this generates a geographic digital gap for the country that may increase and that has a direct impact on the quality of life of citizens, that is why the Ministry of Information and Communication Technologies of Colombia, the decision was made to hold a spectrum auction in the 700 MHz, 1900 MHz and 2500 MHz bands with the ultimate goal of connecting the entire country. This invites us to review the progress in coverage that the country will have in the next 5 years, in accordance with the commitments acquired by the operators.Ítem Proceso de evaluación del desempeño de terminales móviles en diferentes tecnologías de la red móvil celular en ColombiaBautista Contreras, Cristian Camilo; Casallas Rodríguez, Oscar David; Gómez Paredes, Juan CarlosThe manufacturers of mobile terminals use different materials in the manufacture of their mobile device, all the equipment that is in the Colombian market goes through a pre-approval and approval process which allows the manufacturer to verify failures in their mobile devices before the production process. All these devices have different characteristics that make them have a better performance when using the mobile network, this depends entirely on the characteristics that each mobile terminal has, some have a higher performance than others due to the range either low medium high , this range depends entirely on the chipset with which the equipment is designed, some devices have the same chipset but some have more features enabled than others this is due to the issue of the final value of the equipment, which marks a higher value not lower for The end user. There are different tools that allow you to verify the performance of mobile devices, these can be proprietary of the manufacturer or also mobile applications that allow you to perform an analysis not as similar as a proprietary tool, but allow , you to make a network analysis and identify important values of mobile devices. These tools allow us to verify the different signal levels of the base stations, thus verify the behavior of the mobile terminal, and also see its behavior in the field and in in-building scenarios.Ítem Planeación y análisis de cobertura de una red móvil 3G y 4G en la Localidad de ChapineroOrozco Camargo, Camilo Andrés; Cortés Hernández, Cristian Camilo; Gómez Paredes, Juan CarlosThis document presents the network planning and coverage analysis in an urban environment, for the deployment of radio bases for 3G (UMTS) and 4G (LTE) technologies. Three propagation models are compared in order to identify advantages and disadvantages of each for the proposed scenario. The transmission bands currently assigned by Colombian regulation for these two mobile phone technologies, are used. For the present analysis, the Xirio Online simulator is used as an evaluation tool for signal propagation.Ítem Ventajas y desventajas de la conectividad 5G y protocolos existentes en IoTOrjuela Hurtado, Andrés Camilo; Sierra Bohórquez, Jhonier; Gómez Paredes, Juan CarlosThis article presents a brief description of the technologies, protocols, advantages and disadvantages of 5G technology especially in relation to those corresponding to the Internet of Things (IoT), in different aspects such as transmission speed, download capacity, latency, among others.Ítem Simulación y análisis de protocolos de transmisión para IoT utilizando herramientas de simulación de redes inalámbricasGarcía Bernal, Edgar Andrés; Arévalo Peña, Juan Felipe; Gómez Paredes, Juan CarlosThis document describes the degree work to access to the title of Specialist in Mobile Telecommunications, based on wireless network protocols analysis simulations applied to the internet of things.Ítem Simulación de la transmisión de información a través de la fibra óptica con modulación 16-QAMCuestas Hernández, Julian Andres; Lozano Córtes, Gustavo Adolfo; Gómez Paredes, Juan CarlosThe following article shows a proposal for a network based on optical fiber, implementing in the electrical domain the generation of the I, Q signals of the information to be sent through the fiber, which is modulated in 16-QAM with different transmission rates which are 20, 50 and 100 Gbps. It will be transformed into the optical domain with the help of MZM modulators. The quadrature modulation of the 16 QAM system will be implemented in the optical domain generating an offset to be combined and transported to the fiber by implementing PMF fiber-based X couplers. Finally, a quadrature demodulation system and DPS systems will be implemented for the correction of bit errors due to Chromatic Dispersion that is generated in the optical fiber, which its length change between 20, 50 and 100 Km emulating FTTH environments.Ítem Fullstack de ericsson para el nodo Charging System en las tecnologías móvilesArciniegas Vela, Marcela; Gómez Paredes, Juan CarlosExecute the construction of this article, is generate a consultation document about new focus areas in the mobile telecommunications. Besides boosting the handling of differents operating system and programming languages. Second, you will adopt a global vision of module management within fullstack’s mobile operators. This article will focus on generating a block diagram of the overall operation of the fullstack, monitoring management, workflow, comparative chart with the advantage of implementing of fullstack and proposing the areas in which the professional should be strengthened. The final objective of this document, its transformation as a theoretical framework since it can be consulted references for information about fullstack. At the end, it generates the opportunity to develop new projects and strategies to mobile operators.Ítem Análisis de Interferencias en la Interfaz de Radio en las Redes de Telecomunicaciones Móviles de 3ra y 4ta GeneraciónZambrano Caicedo, Carlos Eduardo; Sanabria Rodriguez, Jhon Jairo; Gomez Paredes, Juan CarlosThis document analyzes interferences associated with the radio interface in 3rd and 4th generation mobile telecommunications networks, starting with defining the concepts involved in this study. The structure of these networks will also be explained, finally, concluding on the effects on the network and on the end-users. Using simulations that will allow us to show the effects studied.