Congreso Internacional de Electrónica, Control y Telecomunicaciones
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Ítem XVIII Congreso Internacional de Electrónica Control y Telecomunicaciones : Ciencia, Tecnología e innovación avanzadas para transitar hacía un nuevo sistema sociotécnico: transformación social sostenible. Libro de memorias Vol. 14Guerrero, Henry B.; Jutinico Alarcón, Andrés Leonardo; Fajardo Barrero, Juan; López Aguilar, Juan José; Orduz García, Alejandra; Valentina Barrero, Sara; Lindarte Muñoz, Luis Fernando; Roldán Benavides8, María Alejandra; Duarte Barón, Katherin; Gil Peláez, Jhon Jairo; Borrás Pinilla, Carlos; Guacheta-Alba, Juan C.; Jiménez-Moreno, Robinson; Espitia Cubillos, Anny; Pimentel-Gutierrez, Carolina; Mendez-Moreno, Luis Miguel; Garzón Avarado, Diego Alexander; Molano Pulido, Renso Mardu; Reina Muñoz, Oscar Fernando; Serna Franco, Cristian Camilo; Sandoval Valencia, Juan David; González Bustamante, Ricardo Alirio; García Ávila, Sandra Milena; Jiménez López, Fabián Rolando; Jiménez López, Andrés Fernando; García Ramírez, Dayra Yisel; Jiménez López, Andrés Fernando; Jiménez López, Fabián Rolando; León Álvarez, Cristian Stiven; Ferreyra, Marcelo; Ballarre, Julián Alejandro; Gassele Gonzalo, Emanuel Arqué; Montaña Quintero , Henry; López Sánchez, Wilson Ricardo; Torres Pachón , Karol Geraldine; Cubides Garzón, Juan Ricardo; Rocha, Yuly Paola; Picón Jaimes, Alenis Jaxmith; Fourth Marlly , Yaneth Rojas; Aguirre Vargas, Sebastian; Holguín-Londoño, Mauricio; Holguín-Londoño, Germán A.; Gómez Suárez, Ricardo Alfonso; Sandoval Estupiñán, Julieth Alejandra; Mateus Abaunza, Paola Andrea; Rodríguez, Daniel; Ferro, Roberto; Carvajal, María Paula; Solano, Mayra; Rojas, María Paula; Herrera, Marcelo; Useche, Jorge; González, Jorge; Carvajal, María Paula; Solano , Mayra; Herrera, Marcelo; Useche , Jorge; González , Jorge; Cortés Vera, Carlos Andrés; Cruz Penna, Vanessa; Juanias, Lizeth Dahianna; Gamez Romero, Jesus David; Jesus David; Rodríguez Castro, Sergio; Salgado Rojas, Duver Herney; Salinas Acosta, Johan Esteban; Johan Esteban; Arteaga Rojas , Laura Mercedes; Urbina Zepeda, Jhon Jairo; Conta Perilla, Kellin Mayerlit; Rodríguez Umaña, Luis Alfredo; Molina Acuña, Neel Gustavo; Medina Barrios, Sneyder David; Rodriguez, David Camilo; David Camilo; Vargas, Jose Luis; Martínez Baquero , Javier Eduardo; Jiménez Rojas , Nicolás; Mejía Gutiérrez, Luis Fernando; Arteaga Erazo, Camilo Hernando; Caicedo Eraso, Julio César; Diaz Arango , Felix Octavio; Forero Casallas , John Alejandro; Novoa Roldan, Kristel Solange; Infante Moreno, Willson; Hurtado Cortés, Luini Leonardo; Ruiz Rosas, Victor Elberto; Avila , Leidy V.; Hernández, Ruben; Segura , Macce D.; Silva, César D; Galván Duque Gastellum, Carlos; Camacho Barragán, Gabriel; Bolivar Tallería, Isabel; Morales Magallón , Fernando; Mondragón Herrada , Bárbara; López López , Carlos Omar; Martínez Hernández, Adriana; Quevedo Blandón, Lis Angélica; Vaca González , Juan Jairo; Garzón Alvarado, Diego; Ramírez Martínez , Angélica María; Barragán , Jhon; Luengas, Lely; Camargo , Esperanza; Torres Torres , Anderson David; Camargo Casallas , Esperanza; Ferro Escobar, Roberto; Vera Parra, Danielo Alberto; Aparicio Pico , Lilia Edith; Morriso Tarquino, Jonathan; Barragan Zaque , William; Viuche Pinilla, Santiago Nicolás; Estupiñan Cuesta, Edith Paola; Martínez Quintero , Juan Carlos; Rugeles , José de Jesús; Enríquez, Wilsón; Loaiza , Karen; Espín , Christian; Ramos , Cristina; Daniel , Cárdenas; Bonilla Bonilla , Jorge Andrés; Martínez Quevedo , Diego Alejandro; Rodríguez Umaña , Luis Alfredo; Guevara Bolaños, Juan Carlos; Cavanzo Nisso, Gloria Andrea; Pérez Pereira , Miguel Ricardo; Moreno , Ricardo; Tuitiva, Michael; Romero Peña, Manuel; Puerto Leguizamón, Gustavo Adolfo; Espitia Cubillos, Anny Astrid; Rodríguez Carmona, Esperanza; Jiménez Moreno, Robinson; Patiño Bernal, Marlon; Cely, José David; Ospina Bastidas, David Alexander; Mateus Malavera, Karen Sophia; Coronel Segrera, Cesar Augusto; León Celis, Gabriela; López Chávez, Hans Igor; Hernandez Suarez, Cesar Augusto; Barragán Vargas, Diego Alejandro; Galán Suárez, Ricardo; Villegas, Iván; Perdomo , César; Sánchez , Felipe; Núñez Mejía, Sebastián; Vacca González, Harold; Rincón Aponte, Gloria Jeanette; Castiblanco Forero, Luz Aída; López Martínez, Germán; Cáceres Castellanos, Alejandro; Arias Henao, Camilo Andrés; Ruiz Pardo , Álvaro; Sánchez de la Flor , Francisco José; Rivas, Edwin; Mosquera, Darin; Ramírez, Sergio; Espinosa Alfonso, Juan David; Rivas Trujillo, Edwin; Chala Gutiérrez, Esbleidy Katherine; Guerrero, Henry B. [0000-0003-4243-4205]; Jutinico Alarcón, Andrés Leonardo [0000-0001-9146-9637]; Fajardo Barrero, Juan [0009-0009-1355-1737]; López Aguilar, Juan José [0009-0001-5363-6876]; Orduz García, Alejandra [0009-0003-9865-5389]; Valentina Barrero, Sara 0009-0009-0730-5337]; Lindarte Muñoz, Luis Fernando [0009-0002-5654-5838]; Roldán Benavides8, María Alejandra [0009-0008-3979-2507]; Duarte Barón, Katherin [0000-0002-3649-2807]; Gil Peláez, Jhon Jairo [0000-0001-7570-2558]; Borrás Pinilla, Carlos [0000-0002-1014-2817]; Pimentel-Gutierrez, Carolina [0000- 0001-5302-2199]; Mendez-Moreno, Luis Miguel [0000-0001-5437-2211]; Garzón Avarado, Diego Alexander [0000-0003-0072-3738]l Eighteenth International Congress of Electronics, Control and Telecommunications (CIECT XVIII); held jointly with the 3rd Ibero-American Congress of Instrumentation of Applied Sciences (CIICA) and the XXXVII Congress of the Mexican Society of Instrumentation (SOMI XXXVII), organized by the Institute of Applied Sciences and Technology (ICAT) of the National Autonomous University of Mexico ( UNAM), on November 8, 9 and 10, 2023 in a hybrid manner -Virtual In-Person-; Considered the motto: Integration of Technological Knowledge to enhance the improvement of the quality of life in Resilient Societies. In this last perspective, given the growing penetration of the Internet - with wide digital and economic gaps remaining in Developing Countries -, the research and development of the scientific and productive community has promoted the convergence and integration of technological innovations towards the consolidation of life . natural and artificial, adding intelligence of an Electronic nature, Control and Automation, and Telecommunications infrastructure and services to refine environments that require effective and efficient human interaction. On this occasion, for CIECT XVIII, 15 high-level keynote speakers attended the call: eight international, including the Inaugural conference that was shared with Mexico; and seven national speakers. All in person in the city of Bogotá. Finally, nearly 120 papers were submitted to CIECT XVIII, of which nearly 50% were selected under evaluation by three peers in the double-blind modality. This included a record participation of nearly 200 authors from Ecuador, Argentina, Mexico, Spain and Colombia. The above shows, then, that given the need to disseminate socially useful knowledge, it will always be possible to democratize it by making communities appropriate it by understanding others. Logics that always resort to the origins of the university: a free thought connected, but conscious and relevant: the superior for the superior.Ítem XV Congreso Internacional de Electrónica Control y Telecomunicaciones : “El rol de la tecnología en tiempos de pandemia y post-pandemia: innovación y desarrollo para sectores sociales y productivos estratégicos”JIMENEZ MORENO, CAROLINA; Aristizábal Nieto, Jenny Kateryne; Giraldo Salazar, Olga Lucia; Ramírez, Natalia; Aparicio Pico, Lilia; Pérez Triana, Camilo Andrés; HURTADO CORTES, LUINI LEONARDO; FORERO, JOHN; Ruiz Rosas, Victor; Cañas Varon, David Leonardo; Avilán B., Juan David; Flórez Pérez, José Manuel; López Velosa, Carlos Daniel; USCATEGUI RODRIGUEZ, JOHAN SEBASTIAN; Sandoval, Juan Camilo; Sarmiento, Nohora Camila; Hernandez Beleño, Ruben Dario; Regueiro-Gómez, Angel; Busoch-Morlán, Carmen; Regueiro-Busoch, Carmenchu; Díaz Martínez, René Joaquín; Galeano Galeano, Sara Daniela; mora gonzalez, miguel esteban; Espinosa Medina, Ricardo; Gallo Padilla, Juan Camilo; Ramón Valencia, Jairo Lenin; Garzon, Yaqueline; Martínez Santa, Fernando; Niño, Diego; LAGUNA GARZÓN, LUIS HERNANDO; Piracoca, Sindy; Rivas Trujillo, Edwin; Montaña Quintero, Henry; Mora, Jose Germán; Cruz Ruiz, Lisseth Milena; Caceres Castellanos, Alejandro; Arias Henao, Camilo Andrés; Nuñez, Rafael; Velasco Capacho, Daniel Alexander; Wanumen Silva, Luis Felipe; Cavanzo Nisso, Gloria Andrea; perez pereira, Miguel Ricardo; DIAZ GOMEZ, VICTOR ALFONSO; Munevar, Edwin; leyva, j alfonso; Caro, Santiago; Vasco, Juan Pablo; Duque Urrego, Daniel; Henao, Sofía C.; Gallego Londoño, Jonathan; Gonzalez Gutierrez, Leonardo; Caicedo-Eraso, Julio César; Varón Serna, Diana Rocio; PEÑA, JULIAN; Estupiñan Cuesta, Edith Paola; Martinez Quintero, Juan Carlos; Hernández Eskenazi, Abel; Herrera Martínez, Josué Daniel; Garcia Mesa, Raydel; Sánchez Martín, Andrés Armando; Gutierrez, Sergio; Martínez Ballesteros, Johana Carolina; Gutiérrez Bernal, Félix Julián; Villanueva Navarro, Sebastian Enrique; Ochoa, Juan; Pachón Robayo, David Santiago; Mayorga Bohorquez, Miguel Angel; Estupiñan Cuesta, Edith Paola; Martinez Quintero, Juan Carlos; Mahecha Mora, Luisa Fernanda; Conde González, Nicolás Felipe; Perez Murillo, Oswaldo; Páez-Parra, Ingrid Patricia; Gonzalez Gutierrez, Leonardo; Caicedo-Eraso, Julio César; Ferro Escobar, Roberto; Dussan Montoya, Héctor Albeiro; Garzón Quintero, Kevin David; Amézquita, Juan Carlos; Eslava Blanco, Hermes javier; Useche Castelblanco, Juan Sebastian; REYES ORTIZ, OSCAR JAVIER; Mejia, Marcela; Suarez Mosquera, Fanny; Ballen Martinez, Cristian Dangelis; Castang, Gerardo; Castaneda Arias, Fabián Camilo; Novoa Roldán, Kristel Solange; CAMPO CEBALLOS, DIEGO ANDRÉS; Barco Sotelo, Kevin Jancarlo; Dorado Ipia, Hector Fabian; Gaviria López, Carlos Alberto; HURTADO CORTES, LUINI LEONARDO; FORERO, JOHN; Ruiz Rosas, Victor; Lizcano, Angie Katherine; Morales, Andrea Carolina; Naranjo Lourido, Walter; Martinez Baquero, Javier Eduardo; Vergara Torres, Santiago; Fresneda Alarcón, Jairo Huberto; ESCOBAR, ANDRES; Vacca González, Harold; Rincón Aponte, Gloria Jeanette; Amador Nava, Miguel Angel; Magadan, Jesus; Amador Nava, Miguel Angel; Mejía, Rubén Galicia; Oliva Moreno, Luz Noe; Vega Gómez, Leonardo César; Pavoni Oliver, Sonnia; Criado, Dilaila; Escartín Fernández, Víctor E.; Conde González, Nicolás Felipe; Mahecha Mora, Luisa Fernanda; JIMENEZ MORENO, CAROLINA [0000-0001-5329-9358]; Aristizábal Nieto, Jenny Kateryne [0000-0003-2640-1489]; Giraldo Salazar, Olga Lucia [0000-0001-9897-8645]; Ramírez, Natalia [0000-0003-4389-7295]; Aparicio Pico, Lilia [0000-0003-1841-4423]; Pérez Triana, Camilo Andrés [0000-0002-8772-1892]; HURTADO CORTES, LUINI LEONARDO [0000-0002-1675-9471]; FORERO, JOHN [0000-0002-5884-1350]; Ruiz Rosas, Victor [0000-0002-6798-2534]; Cañas Varon, David Leonardo [0000-0001-7795-8071]; USCATEGUI RODRIGUEZ, JOHAN SEBASTIAN [0000-0002-0245-9806]; Sandoval, Juan Camilo [0000-0003-0660-0720]; Sarmiento, Nohora Camila [0000-0001-8813-1977]; Hernandez Beleño, Ruben Dario [0000-0001-8152-2633]; Regueiro-Gómez, Angel [0000-0003-2239-1324]; Busoch-Morlán, Carmen [0000-0002-1290-669X]; Regueiro-Busoch, Carmenchu [0000-0001-5101-4005]; Díaz Martínez, René Joaquín [0000-0002-7440-0045]; Galeano Galeano, Sara Daniela [0000-0002-2261-9109]; mora gonzalez, miguel esteban [0000-0002-3042-1530]; Espinosa Medina, Ricardo [0000-0002-7941-0138]; Gallo Padilla, Juan Camilo [0000-0003-2697-6223]; Ramón Valencia, Jairo Lenin [0000-0003-0055-126X]; Garzon, Yaqueline [0000-0003-4265-1971]; Martínez Santa, Fernando [0000-0003-2895-3084]; Niño, Diego [0000-0003-1752-839X]; LAGUNA GARZÓN, LUIS HERNANDO [0000-0002-9127-0473]; Piracoca, Sindy [0000-0003-4938-0887]; Rivas Trujillo, Edwin [0000-0003-2372-8056]; Montaña Quintero, Henry [0000-0003-0752-6315]; Mora, Jose Germán [0000-0003-1400-1496]; Cruz Ruiz, Lisseth Milena [0000-0002-2351-7665]; Caceres Castellanos, Alejandro [0000-0003-1788-4204]; Arias Henao, Camilo Andrés [0000-0002-8846-2984]; Nuñez, Rafael [0000-0001-6775-776X]; Velasco Capacho, Daniel Alexander [0000-0003-3297-6318]; Wanumen Silva, Luis Felipe [0000-0002-8877-5681]; Cavanzo Nisso, Gloria Andrea [0000-0002-8631-3459]; perez pereira, Miguel Ricardo [0000-0001-7487-2600]; DIAZ GOMEZ, VICTOR ALFONSO [0000-0002-3208-518X]; Munevar, Edwin [0000-0002-0578-7717]; leyva, j alfonso [0000-0002-3050-1442]; Caro, Santiago [0000-0002-2158-1911]; Vasco, Juan Pablo [0000-0001-7284-178X]; Duque Urrego, Daniel [0000-0001-7924-8030]; Henao, Sofía C. [0000-0003-2146-9230]; Gallego Londoño, Jonathan [0000-0002-9737-6850]; Gonzalez Gutierrez, Leonardo [0000-0002-1837-4225]; Caicedo-Eraso, Julio César [0000-0003-4073-9152]; Varón Serna, Diana Rocio [0000-0001-5887-3427]; PEÑA, JULIAN [0000-0002-7306-2726]; Estupiñan Cuesta, Edith Paola [0000-0002-4100-4943]; Martinez Quintero, Juan Carlos [0000-0001-9893-6592]; Hernández Eskenazi, Abel [0000-0002-8988-1902]; Garcia Mesa, Raydel [0000-0002-7545-3552]; Sánchez Martín, Andrés Armando [0000-0002-8288-3120]; Gutierrez, Sergio [0000-0002-7773-6839]; Martínez Ballesteros, Johana Carolina [0000-0002-1725-0431]; Gutiérrez Bernal, Félix Julián [0000-0002-0386-0861]; Villanueva Navarro, Sebastian Enrique [:0000-0003-2345-5828]; Ochoa, Juan [0000-0002-5394-3518]; Pachón Robayo, David Santiago [0000-0002-4830-3698]; Mayorga Bohorquez, Miguel Angel [0000-0001-5420-3733]; Estupiñan Cuesta, Edith Paola [0000-0002-4100-4943]; Martinez Quintero, Juan Carlos [0000-0001-9893-6592]; Conde González, Nicolás Felipe [0000-0001-5452-6866]; Perez Murillo, Oswaldo [0000-0002-9524-7676]; Páez-Parra, Ingrid Patricia [0009-0008-1033-8714]; Gonzalez Gutierrez, Leonardo [0000-0002-1837-4225]; Caicedo-Eraso, Julio César [0000-0003-4073-9152]; Ferro Escobar, Roberto [0000-0002-8978-538X]; Amézquita, Juan Carlos [0000-0002-1327-6386]; Eslava Blanco, Hermes javier [0000-0002-2630-0023]; REYES ORTIZ, OSCAR JAVIER [0000-0002-2001-2450]; Mejia, Marcela [0000-0002-2531-1257]; Suarez Mosquera, Fanny [0000-0003-0749-6937]; Ballen Martinez, Cristian Dangelis [0000-0002-2457-6616]; Castang, Gerardo [0000-0001-9788-5121]; Castaneda Arias, Fabián Camilo [0000-0003-4032-5427]; Novoa Roldán, Kristel Solange [0000-0002-2951-676X]; CAMPO CEBALLOS, DIEGO ANDRÉS [0000-0001-7458-5820]; Barco Sotelo, Kevin Jancarlo [0000-0003-4005-9157]; Dorado Ipia, Hector Fabian [0000-0002-4163-5470]; Gaviria López, Carlos Alberto [0000-0002-9773-7660]; HURTADO CORTES, LUINI LEONARDO [0000-0002-1675-9471]; FORERO, JOHN [0000-0002-5884-1350]; Ruiz Rosas, Victor [0000-0002-6798-2534]; Naranjo Lourido, Walter [0000-0002-0697-4282]; Martinez Baquero, Javier Eduardo [0000-0003-4377-7867]; Fresneda Alarcón, Jairo Huberto [0000-0001-5212-4759]; ESCOBAR, ANDRES [0000-0003-0527-8776]; Vacca González, Harold [0000-0001-7017-0070]; Rincón Aponte, Gloria Jeanette [0000-0002-3381-9456]; Amador Nava, Miguel Angel [0000-0002-1063-1346]; Magadan, Jesus [0000-0002-3839-8670]; Amador Nava, Miguel Angel [0000-0002-1063-1346]; Mejía, Rubén Galicia [0000-0002-3479-4342]; Oliva Moreno, Luz Noe [0000-0001-5293-0427]; Vega Gómez, Leonardo César [0000-0001-5782-1828]; Pavoni Oliver, Sonnia [0000-0001-9348-6051]; Criado, Dilaila [0000-0003-1718-3598]; Escartín Fernández, Víctor E. [0000-0002-7592-4166]; Conde González, Nicolás Felipe [0000-0001-5452-6866]The previous selection, motivated by the assertion of Manuel Castells -almost 20 years ago- that innovation and diffusion of technology seemed to be the appropriate tool for development in the information age. This 2020, however, in the face of the disruptive situation that afflicted and continues to afflict the network society as an emerging social structure of the Information Age based on production networks, energized by power and experience; He failed and must find his way again. Thus, the pressing problems now were: health care and overcoming the Sars Cov 2 epidemic; Castells' until then unrealistic vision took shape that... we cannot advance with our current development models, destroying our environment and excluding the majority of humanity from the benefits of the most extraordinary technological revolution in history, without suffering a devastating reaction from society and nature. It was thus that the Fourth World, specifically, where the sufficiency of human resources, capital, work, information and market - all linked through technology - meant that it would serve effectively through the population that could, due to its capacity, make rational use. and knowledge professional, the needs of the majority vulnerable and vulnerable population. Therefore, putting people at the center, in hyperconnected global task and work environments, combining physical spaces, information flows with expedited connection channels, and training knowledge professionals who assume and face the challenges derived from the digital transformation of companies, universities, and organizations, but in conditions of equality and subject to prosperity, will be the challenge in the present and immediate future scenarios.Ítem XVI Congreso Internacional del Electrónica Control y Telecomunicaciones : “Consideraciones tecnocientíficas para un mundo pospandémico intensivo en conocimiento, innovación y desarrollo local sostenible”Guerra, Michael; Espinosa Medina, Ricardo; Sanchez-L, Daniel; Sánchez P, Giovanni; Luengas C., Lely A.; Gonzalez Gutierrez, Leonardo; Caicedo-Eraso, J. C.; mejia gutierrez, luis fernando; Varón Serna, Diana Rocio; Cantillo Bermúdez, Juliana Inés del Pilar; Rodriguez Sarmiento, Liliana Andrea; Fonseca Velasquez, Aldemar; Giraldo Ramos, Frank Nixon; Forero, Brayan; Velásquez, Karen; Hernandez Beleño, Ruben Dario; Mejía Ruda, Edilberto; Gallo Padilla, Juan Camilo; Ramón Valencia, Jairo Lenin; Aparicio Pico, Lilia; Guerrero Calderón, Árnol; Medina, M. Anderson; León R., Lisa; Jacinto Gómez, Edwar; ARAGONES MURCIA, PAULA MARCELA; Morales, Diana Valentina; Pachón Márquez, Daniela Esperanza; Ruiz, Nicolás; Gongora Reyes, Manuel Alejandro; Montaña Quintero, Henry; Rivas Trujillo, Edwin; Moreno Parra, Yeison; Molano Pulido, Renso Mardu; Cabrera, María Francia; Vargas Silva, Fraan Eduardo; LUQUE TOVAR, ANGELA LIZETH; Bravo Builes, Cristian Bernardo; CADENA MUÑOZ, ERNESTO; Arcila Perozo, Diego; López López, Leidy Yurani; Novoa Roldán, Kristel Solange; Leyva Gutiérrez, Lizeth Stefany; Mosquera Palacios, Darin Jairo; Rivas Trujillo, Edwin; Ramos Suavita, Dairon Javier; Estupiñan Cuesta, Edith Paola; Martinez Quintero, Juan Carlos; Guevara, Juan Carlos; Cavanzo Nisso, Gloria Andrea; Ovalles Pabón, Freddy Oswaldo; Marín, Jeimmy; ESCOBAR, ANDRES; Valencia Llanos, Jairo Alberto; CLAVIJO MEJIA, ANDRES MAURICIO; Chacón torres, Jhon alexander; Castang, Gerardo; Caicedo Escobar, Carlos Hernan; Smida, Ali; RAMIREZ, ASTRID; Rincón Aponte, Gloria Jeanette; Ramírez, Natalia; Pérez Triana, Camilo Andrés; Vacca González, Harold; Mahecha Mora, Luisa Fernanda; Munar Torres, Camila; Segura, Nicolas; Perdomo Charry, Cesar Andrey; López Sánchez, Wilson Ricardo; SILVA VASQUEZ, LUIS FELIPE; Gaonar, Elvis Eduado; diaz, diana carolina; garcia, jeison; Rincon Gonzalez, Jose Gabriel; Hernandez Baquero, Wilson Andres; Velasquez Clavijo, Fabian; Rodriguez Umaña, Luis Alfredo; Olarte, Isaias; Angarita Reina, Fredy; Arias Quintero, Pedro Alberto; Forero Jiménez, Juan Camilo; Reinoso López, Andrés Fabián; Arias Henao, Camilo Andrés; Monroy Moya, David Fernando; Rojas, Diego; Barrera Prieto, Fabián; Vaca Vargas, Sergio Alejandro; Nuñez, Rafael; Velasco Capacho, Daniel Alexander; Corzo Ruiz, Carlos Lizardo; Castillo-Rodriguez, Catalina; Jimenez Moreno, Robinson; Martinez Baquero, Javier Eduardo; Beltran Cicery, Henry Esteban; FORERO, JOHN; bohorquez, carlos; Ruiz Rosas, Victor; Andrews Castillo, Andrés Esteban; DAZA GONZALEZ, JOAN JOYCE; ORTEGA JIMENEZ, MARLON YESID; PEREZ VEGA, JHON EDISON; OSWALDO, EDWAR; Gualdría Sandoval, Camila Andrea; Infante Luna, Esperanza del Pilar; CAMARGO CASALLAS, LUZ HELENA; Guerra, Michael [0000-0002-0111-0549]; Espinosa Medina, Ricardo [0000-0002-7941-0138]; Sanchez-L, Daniel [0000-0002-8122-5468]; Sánchez P, Giovanni [0000-0003-2108-6491]; Luengas C., Lely A. [0000-0002-3600-4666]; Gonzalez Gutierrez, Leonardo [0000-0002-1837-4225]; Caicedo-Eraso, J. C. [0000-0003-4073-9152]; mejia gutierrez, luis fernando [0000-0002-2485-2377]; Varón Serna, Diana Rocio [0000-0001-5887-3427]; Cantillo Bermúdez, Juliana Inés del Pilar [0000-0003-1598-2302]; Rodriguez Sarmiento, Liliana Andrea [0000-0001-8384-9170]; Fonseca Velasquez, Aldemar [0000-0002-7904-4676]; Giraldo Ramos, Frank Nixon [0000-0001-8407-1831]; Hernandez Beleño, Ruben Dario [0000-0001-8152-2633]; Mejía Ruda, Edilberto [0000-0003-1714-939X]; Gallo Padilla, Juan Camilo [0000-0003-2697-6223]; Ramón Valencia, Jairo Lenin [0000-0003-0055-126X]; Aparicio Pico, Lilia [0000-0003-1841-4423]; Guerrero Calderón, Árnol [0000-0002-8310-810X]; Jacinto Gómez, Edwar [0000-0003-4038-8137]; ARAGONES MURCIA, PAULA MARCELA [0000-0002-1314-7779]; Morales, Diana Valentina [0000-0002-7881-1052]; Pachón Márquez, Daniela Esperanza [0000-0003-0069-7349]; Ruiz, Nicolás [0000-0001-5717-5993]; Gongora Reyes, Manuel Alejandro [0000-0003-1578-7873]; Montaña Quintero, Henry [0000-0003-0752-6315]; Rivas Trujillo, Edwin [0000-0003-2372-8056]; Moreno Parra, Yeison [0000-0002-6182-3209]; Molano Pulido, Renso Mardu [0000-0002-0646-3589]; LUQUE TOVAR, ANGELA LIZETH [0000-0001-8764-9897]; Bravo Builes, Cristian Bernardo [0000-0001-9779-3059]; CADENA MUÑOZ, ERNESTO [0000-0002-1086-3665]; Arcila Perozo, Diego [0000-0001-7956-761]; López López, Leidy Yurani [0000-0003-4639-3412]; Novoa Roldán, Kristel Solange [0000-0002-2951-676X]; Leyva Gutiérrez, Lizeth Stefany [0000-0002-2877-2905]; Mosquera Palacios, Darin Jairo [0000-0002-4526-2683]; Rivas Trujillo, Edwin [0000-0003-2372-8056]; Ramos Suavita, Dairon Javier [0000-0003-0254-8742]; Estupiñan Cuesta, Edith Paola [0000-0002-4100-4943]; Martinez Quintero, Juan Carlos [0000-0001-9893-6592]; Guevara, Juan Carlos [0000-0001-9580-0374]; Cavanzo Nisso, Gloria Andrea [0000-0002-8631-3459]; Ovalles Pabón, Freddy Oswaldo [0000-0002-6120-9794]; Marín, Jeimmy [0000-0001-8553-3372]; ESCOBAR, ANDRES [0000-0003-0527-8776]; CLAVIJO MEJIA, ANDRES MAURICIO [0000-0001-8927-8305]; Chacón torres, Jhon alexander [0000-0003-2957-3374]; Castang, Gerardo [0000-0001-9788-5121]; Caicedo Escobar, Carlos Hernan [0000-0001-9114-4576]; Smida, Ali [0000-0003-4105-27]; RAMIREZ, ASTRID [0000-0002-3025-5982]; Rincón Aponte, Gloria Jeanette [0000-0002-3381-9456]; Ramírez, Natalia [0000-0003-4389-7295]; Pérez Triana, Camilo Andrés [0000-0003-4524-9339]; Vacca González, Harold [0000-0001-7017-0070]; Munar Torres, Camila [0000-0001-8274-799X]; Segura, Nicolas [0000-0001-5846-0884]; Perdomo Charry, Cesar Andrey [0000-0001-7310-4618]; López Sánchez, Wilson Ricardo [0000-0002-1377-0667]; SILVA VASQUEZ, LUIS FELIPE [0000-0002-8778-7074]; diaz, diana carolina [0000-0002-8943-2699]; garcia, jeison [0000-0002-9457-9978]; Rincon Gonzalez, Jose Gabriel [0000-0002-0939-6422]; Hernandez Baquero, Wilson Andres [0000-0002-6859-8833]; Velasquez Clavijo, Fabian [0000-0002-6219-8361]; Rodriguez Umaña, Luis Alfredo [0000-0001-7346-5640]; Olarte, Isaias [0000-0002-6776-6700]; Angarita Reina, Fredy [0000-0002-3590-593X]; Arias Quintero, Pedro Alberto [0000-0003-2039-4003]; Reinoso López, Andrés Fabián [0000-0002-2959-7424]; Arias Henao, Camilo Andrés [0000-0002-8846-2984]; Rojas, Diego [0000-0002-2962-6061]; Vaca Vargas, Sergio Alejandro [0000-0003-2006-4813]; Nuñez, Rafael [0000-0001-6775-776X]; Velasco Capacho, Daniel Alexander [0000-0003-3297-6318]; Corzo Ruiz, Carlos Lizardo [0000-0001-9275-7008]; Castillo-Rodriguez, Catalina [0000-0001-5379-9985]; Jimenez Moreno, Robinson [0000-0002-4812-3734]; Martinez Baquero, Javier Eduardo [0000-0003-4377-7867]; Beltran Cicery, Henry Esteban [0000-0002-5239-7594]; FORERO, JOHN [0000-0002-5884-1350]; bohorquez, carlos [0000-0001-7479-9933]; Ruiz Rosas, Victor [0000-0002-6798-2534]; DAZA GONZALEZ, JOAN JOYCE [0000-0001-5624-1012]; ORTEGA JIMENEZ, MARLON YESID [0000-0003-0980-4796]; PEREZ VEGA, JHON EDISON [0000-0002-3997-8431]; OSWALDO, EDWAR [0000-0003-0004-0662]; Infante Luna, Esperanza del Pilar [0000-0002-8334-2668]; CAMARGO CASALLAS, LUZ HELENA [0000-0002-3416-018X]This title, suggestive of the impacts during the Covid 19 situation in the world, and which have unfortunately been very critical in Colombia, allows us to assume the obligatory overcoming of social, political, and economic tensions; but above all scientific and technological. Initially, this supposes the existence of a capacity of Colombian society to recover its initial state after the disturbance to which it was subjected by the catastrophic pandemic has ceased, and to overcome that previous state of affairs since it was found -and still is find - many local problems poorly resolved, moderately resolved, and many unresolved: that is, an existing social resilience test will have to be redesigned and strengthened - product of the prolonged Colombian social conflict partially overcome by a successful peace process - from local technoscience; As Markus Brunnermeier - German economist and professor of economics at Princeton University - indicates in his book The Resilient Society...The question is not to foresee everything but to be able to react...learn to recover quickly.Ítem XVII Congreso Internacional de Electrónica Control y Telecomunicaciones: “Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación avanzadas para transitar hacia un nuevo sistema sociotécnico: Transformación Social Sostenible”Fandiño Osorio, Vilma C.; Gaona Barrera, Andrés E.; Camargo Casallas, Luz H.; Pacheco Fandiño, Jennifer V.; Lozano, Brayan; Olivera, Erika; Espinosa, Ricardo; Rodriguez Patarroyo, Diego Julián; Pantoja Benavides, Jaime Francisco; Rincón Gómez, William Arley; Aparicio Pico, Lilia Edith; Orozco Serrano, Gerardo Alberto; Franco Sastre, Erika Fernanda; Salgado Yate, Hsneider; Dussan Alvarez, María Antonieta; Caicedo-Eraso, Julio Cesar; Londoño-Ramos, Willington; Luengas Contreras, Lely Adriana; Toloza Cano, Daissy Carola; González, Jorge O.; Camelo, Sandra; González, Danny; Rodríguez, Belman; Herrera, Marcelo; García Díaz, Rafaele Stevan Salvatore; Cubides Gamboa, Jimer Alexander; Rodríguez Patarroyo, Diego Julián; Arias Henao, Camilo Andrés; Prieto Jula, Santiago; Gómez Castillo, Harvey; Ferro Escobar, Roberto; Montoya, Yeison; Preciado, Néstor D.; Ramírez, Laura; Zuluaga, Edison; Coral Enríquez, Horacio; Hurtado, Andrés Felipe; Acosta, Harold; Aguirre, Carolina; Herrera, Marcelo; Escobar Diaz, Andres; Tao Varela, Angie Marcela; Valencia Llanos, Jairo Alberto; Bello Torres, Astrid Jessenia; Montaña Quintero, Henry; Amado, Eliseo; Mejía Gutiérrez, Luis Fernando; Caicedo-Eraso, Julio César; Duque-Puerta, Juan Felipe; Puente Reyes, Sebastián; Velásquez Clavijo, Fabián; Jiménez López, Andrés Fernando; Ballesteros Delgado, Camilo Andrés; Estupiñan Cuesta, Edith Paola; Martínez Quintero, Juan Carlos; Londoño-Rivera, Yamile; Rangel Díaz, Jorge Eliecer; Martín Gómez, Pedro Fernando; De Armas Costa, Ricardo Joaquín; Vacca-González, Harold; Gómez Vargas, Ernesto; Ramírez Pérez, Natalia Andrea; Rangel J., Oscar D.; Camargo F., Karen J.; Núñez R., Rafael A.; Burgos Díaz, Jaime Alfredo; Colorado Gómez, Mario Andrés; García Navarrete, Oscar Leonardo; Vaca Vargas, Sergio Alejandro; Conde, Nicolás Felipe; Mahecha, Luisa Fernanda; Vargas Ayala, Diego Alejandro; Rincón Rojas, Edgar Jacinto; Mejía, Marcela; Reyes Ortiz, Oscar J.; Useche Castelblanco, Juan S.; Ardila Melo, Luis Andrey; García Ávila, Sandra Milena; González Bustamante, Ricardo Alirio; Montoya Cabezas, Christian Stiven; Castro, Fausto Miguel; Jojoa, Pablo Emilio; Muñoz, Julio Enrique; Bermeo Varón, Leonardo Antonio; Arcos Hurtado, Edgar Francisco; Guzmán Henao, Santiago; Parra Curtidor, José Luis; Leyva Gaspar, Santiago; Rodríguez Umaña, Luis Alfredo; Barrera Prieto, Fabián; Rojas Sarmiento, Diego Alfonso; Barrera Fonseca, Nicolás David; Mancipe Garcia, Angie Paola; Infante Moreno, Wilson; Camacho Castiblanco, Diego F.; Delgado Almendrales, Jhon Sebastián; Medina Lelek, Alexandra Carolina; Rodríguez Cediel, Ana Carolina; Espinosa Medina, Ricardo Alonso; Cifuentes Barriga, Nicolás; Carrillo Quiñones, Juan Sebastián; Vacca González, Harold; Fandiño Osorio, Vilma C. [0000-0001-9088-5866]; Gaona Barrera, Andrés E. [0000-0002-3966-5646]; Camargo Casallas, Luz H. [0000-0002-3416-018X]; Pacheco Fandiño, Jennifer V. [0000-0003-3624-662X]; Lozano, Brayan [0000-0003-0322-4125]; Olivera, Erika [0000-0002-5646-9313]; Espinosa, Ricardo [0000- 0002-7941-0138]; Rodriguez Patarroyo, Diego Julián [0000-0002-4907-5674]; Pantoja Benavides, Jaime Francisco [0000-0003-0107-9542]; Rincón Gómez, William Arley [0000-0002-4419-1270]; Aparicio Pico, Lilia Edith [0000-0003-1841-4423]; Orozco Serrano, Gerardo Alberto [0000-0002-5566-730X]; Orozco Serrano, Gerardo Alberto [0000-0002-5566-730X]; Franco Sastre, Erika Fernanda[0000-0002-8210-1563]; Franco Sastre, Erika Fernanda [0000-0002-8210-1563]; Dussan Alvarez, María Antonieta [0000-0002-1131-9813]; Caicedo-Eraso, Julio Cesar [0000-0003-4073-9152]; Londoño-Ramos, Willington [0000-0002-8252-4988]; Luengas Contreras, Lely Adriana [0000-0002-3600-4666]; Toloza Cano, Daissy Carola [0000-0002-2199-6797]; González, Jorge O. [0000-0001-9852-765X]; Camelo, Sandra [0000-0002-5983-075X]; Herrera, Marcelo [0000-0003-2360-4184]; García Díaz, Rafaele Stevan Salvatore [0000-0002-8448-0122]; Cubides Gamboa, Jimer Alexander [0000-0001-9079-3881]; Rodríguez Patarroyo, Diego Julián [0000-0002-4907-5674]; Arias Henao, Camilo Andrés [0000-0002-8846-2984]; Prieto Jula, Santiago [0000-0001-8865-5244]; Gómez Castillo, Harvey [0000-0003-4474-3642]; Ferro Escobar, Roberto [0000-0002-8978-538X]; Ramírez, Laura [0000-0003-3099-3739]; Zuluaga, Edison [0000-0003-3099-3739]; Coral Enríquez, Horacio [0000-0002-1091-9112]; Hurtado, Andrés Felipe [0000-0002-1730-6634]; Acosta, Harold [0000-0002-2843-720X]; Aguirre, Carolina [0000-0003-1129-1168]; Herrera, Marcelo [0000-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX]; Escobar Diaz, Andres [0000-0003-0527-8776]; Montaña Quintero, Henry [0000-0003-0752-6315]; Mejía Gutiérrez, Luis Fernando [0000-0002-2485-2377]; Caicedo-Eraso, Julio César [0000-0003-4073-9152]; Duque-Puerta, Juan Felipe [0000-0002-0158-4277]; Puente Reyes, Sebastián [0000-0001-8358-6905]; Velásquez Clavijo, Fabián [0000-0002-6219-8361]; Jiménez López, Andrés Fernando [0000-0001-8308-7815]; Ballesteros Delgado, Camilo Andrés [0000-0003-2137-6106]; Estupiñan Cuesta, Edith Paola [0000-0002-4100-4943]; Martínez Quintero, Juan Carlos [0000-0001-9893-6592]; Londoño-Rivera, Yamile [0000-0002-5035-6713]; Rangel Díaz, Jorge Eliecer [0000-0001-7746-8232]; Martín Gómez, Pedro Fernando [0000-0001-6928-9090]; De Armas Costa, Ricardo Joaquín [0000-0002-0587-7093]; Vacca-González, Harold [0000-0001-7017-0070]; Gómez Vargas, Ernesto [0000-0003-4957-7313]; Ramírez Pérez, Natalia Andrea [0000-0003-4389-7295]; Rangel J., Oscar D. [0000-0001-6786-628X]; Camargo F., Karen J. [0000-0001-6786-776X]; Núñez R., Rafael A. [0000-0001-6775-776X]; Burgos Díaz, Jaime Alfredo [0000-0001-6204-527X]; Colorado Gómez, Mario Andrés [0000-0002-0333-4896]; García Navarrete, Oscar Leonardo [0000-0001-5075-460X]; Vaca Vargas, Sergio Alejandro [0000-0003-2006-4813]; Conde, Nicolás Felipe [0000-0001-5452-6866]; Vargas Ayala, Diego Alejandro [0000-0002-4163-8882]; Rincón Rojas, Edgar Jacinto [0000-0002-2997-8075]; Reyes Ortiz, Oscar J. [0000-0002-2001-2450]; Ardila Melo, Luis Andrey [0000-0001-9330-8079]; García Ávila, Sandra Milena [0000-0002-4809-4275]; González Bustamante, Ricardo Alirio [0000-0003-2974-2860]; Montoya Cabezas, Christian Stiven [0000-0001-9384-1551]; Castro, Fausto Miguel [0000-0002-3017-6328]; Jojoa, Pablo Emilio [0000-0003-2797-8503]; Muñoz, Julio Enrique [0000-0003-2797-8503]; Bermeo Varón, Leonardo Antonio [0000-0002-8078-716X]; Arcos Hurtado, Edgar Francisco [0000-0003-1328-9686]; Rodríguez Umaña, Luis Alfredo [0000-0001-7346-5640]; Infante Moreno, Wilson [0000-0003-2668-0086]; Delgado Almendrales, Jhon Sebastián [0000-0003-2553-7173]; Medina Lelek, Alexandra Carolina [0000-0001-7632-4384]; Rodríguez Cediel, Ana Carolina [0000-0002-8468-0212]; Espinosa Medina, Ricardo Alonso [0000-0002-7941-01382]; Cifuentes Barriga, Nicolás [0000-0001-8523-8728]; Carrillo Quiñones, Juan Sebastián [0000-0002-1575-2956]Content: Contenido: Approach to the diagnostic of cesarean birth using bio-inspired models. ; Design of a tool in a virtual reality environment to manipulate anatomical models. ; The effect of COVID-19 restrictions on the electricity price forecasting models. ; Depression prevention through artificial intelligence. ; State of the art in Prototypes as complements to the learning of the Colombian Sign Language (LSC). ; A computational proposal for gene expression deterministic analysis in associated disorders to depression and anxiety. ; Evaluation of postural stability from the predictability of the measurement of the center of pressure. ; Psychophysiological Analysis of Sound Stimuli.; Delphi method for the identification of relevant variables in the development of low-power photovoltaic solar projects. ; Socioeconomic impact of a refrigerator powered by a photovoltaic system in La Guajira. ; Energy Efficiency: characteristics that allow the reduction of greenhouse gases in. ; Possibilities for the implementation of a bioreactor from organic waste. ; Energy Potential with Small Hydroelectric Power Plants in Non- interconnected Zones of Colombia. ; Energy Potential in Photovoltaic Solar Solutions in Non-Interconnected Areas of Colombia. ; Photovoltaic system, towards the energy transition from home. ; Blockchain model to increase the transparency of public sector processes. ; Intelligent agricultural irrigation prescription system based on sensor networks and crop modeling. ; Design and implementation of a digital modulation classification system using intelligent algorithms. ; A mobile application proposal to minimize intermediation during agricultural process distribution of products in supply chain. ; Accompanying strategy for the social appropriation of new technologies in vulnerable agricultural communities: case in communities producing Gulupas fruits (Passiflora edulis Sims). ; Predictive model of transparency as an indicator of Public Policies. ; Smart system for recognition of ripening level in blackberry fruits. ; Project-based learning as an alternative methodology for technological education in electronics. ; Design and construction of an automated system for N. ; Four bar mechanisms (FBM) and their Software-Based applications: a reviewFT aquaponic culture of Red Carp and Crespa Lettuce. ; Intelligent search implementation for the construction of states of the art: a python application. ; Indoor and Outdoor propagation models on 5G environments: state of the art. ;The electronic detection of offenders (DOO) in the District Secretary of mobility of Bogotá: a step forward in the configuration of the concept of digital citizenship in Colombia. ; Monitoring through ICT of Mobility: technological collaborative feature to incorporate IoT in a Smart City. ; Characterization model of asphalt mixtures using digital image processing. ; Review: identification of diseases and/or pests in fruit trees through image processing techniques and artificial intelligence. ; VRS applicated to Nasa Yuwe language. ; Application of Pix2Pix for edge reconstruction in images. ; Brushless DC Motor Control System for Active Myoelectric Prosthesis. ; Implementation of a Water Conductivity Measuring System. ; 2 DOF robot programmed with MatLab® (guide and Peter Corke) and Arduino uno for writing alphabetical characters. ; Simulator of the behavior of the center of mass in a quadruped robot. ; Biomimetic prototype for flapping movement of batsÍtem XIV Congreso Internacional de Electrónica Control y Telecomunicaciones: “Transformación digital incluyente para el avance tecnológico y social"Vaca González, Juan Jairo; Garzón Alvarado, Diego Alexander; Ramírez Pérez, Natalia Andrea; Aparicio Pico, Lilia Edith; Vargas Gómez, Ernesto; Ascanio Villabona, Javier Gonzalo; Sandoval, Camilo Leonardo; Muñoz, Yecid Alfonso; Campos Celador, Álvaro; Tarazona Romero, Brayan Eduardo; López Martínez, Germán Arturo; Torres Castillo, Sergio Andrés; Molina Guzmán, Fredy Alonso; Rojas Rivera, Johan Andrés; Cabrera, Francia; Triviño, Diego; Rivera, Juan; Infante Moreno, Wilson; Ramírez Peña, Brayan Humberto; Villanueva Navarro, Sebastián Enrique; Ochoa Ortiz, Juan José; Barreto Santamaría, Luis Eduardo; Sánchez Martín, Andrés Armando; Peña Salazar, Luz Adriana; Betancourt Duque, Fernando; Castang Montiel, Gerardo Alberto; Sánchez, Andrés; Alvarado, José David; Castellanos, Wilder; Pinilla, Harold; Macias, José; Rodríguez Colina, Enrique; Pedraza, Luis Fernando; Cadena Muñoz, Ernesto; Rugeles Uribe, José de Jesús; Estupiñan, Edith Paola; Martínez, Juan Carlos; Hernández, María; Hernández, Henry; Camargo Casallas, Esperanza; Hernández Santander, Roberto; Useche Castelblanco, Juan Sebastian; Mejia, Marcela; Reyes Ortiz, Oscar Javier; Forero Casallas, John Alejandro; Hurtado Cortés, Luini Leonardo; Ortiz Mogollón, Néstor Santiago; Pineda Torres, Franklin; López Flórez, Sebastián; Ríos, Luis Hernando; Hincapié, Julio Alejandro; Herrera, Sebastián; Vaca Vargas, Sergio Alejandro; Ñungo Londoño, Henry; Parca Acevedo, Félix; Mardu Molano, Renso; Vacca González, Harold; Vargas Gómez, Ernesto [0000-0003-4957-7313]; Ascanio Villabona, Javier Gonzalo [0000-0003-1749-5399]; Ascanio Villabona, Javier [0000-0003-1749-5399]; Sandoval Rodríguez, Camilo Leonardo [0000-0001-8584-0137]; Sandoval Rodríguez, Camilo Leonardo [ 0000-0001-8584-0137]; Sandoval, Camilo Leonardo [0000-0001-8584-0137]; Tarazona Romero, Brayan Eduardo [0000-0001-6099-0921]; López, Germán Arturo [0000-0003-3280-9026]; López Martínez, Germán Arturo [0000-0003-3280-9026]; Infante, Wilson [0000-0003-2668-0086]; Infante Moreno, Wilson [0000-0003-2668-0086]; Barreto Santamaría, Luis Eduardo [0000-0002-9702-2630]; Sánchez Martín, Andrés Armando [0000-0002-8288-3120]; Sánchez Martín, Andrés Armando [0000-0002-8288-3120]; Sánchez, Andrés [0000-0002-8288-3120]; Alvarado, José David [0000-0003-3229-5360]; Castellanos, Wilder [0000-0003-0311-492X]; Rodríguez Colina, Enrique [0000-0003-1696-3349]; Estupiñan, Edith Paola [0000-0002-4100-4943]; Hernández Santander, Roberto [0000-0003-0282-2836]; Mejia, Marcela [0000-0002-2531-1257]; Reyes Ortiz, Oscar Javier [0000-0002-2001-2450]; Hurtado Cortés, Luini Leonardo [0000-0002-1675-9471]; Hincapié, Julio Alejandro [0000-0001-9611-0527]; Herrera, Sebastián [0000-0001-6429-857X]Content: Evaluación del efecto de una estimulación con campos eléctricos sobre el cartílago hialino. ; Clasificadores supervisados del cáncer de próstata. ; Desarrollo de un prototipo de colector solar lineal tipo Fresnel para la producción de vapor de agua. ; Estudio del comportamiento del panel fotovoltaico según la superficie instalada. ; Aprovechamiento aguas residuales y residuos del pacifico colombiano para generación eléctrica. ; Descripción de los Procesos Industriales Energéticamente Críticos en la Producción de Cacao en Santander. ; Reutilización energética de las vibraciones mecánicas en helicópteros. ; Navegación de robots móviles en formación de convoy. ; Emulador para desarrollo de proyectos iot y analíticas de datos. ; Bluelock una herramienta para prevenir ataques en bluetooth. ; Diseño e implementación de un gateway iot multiprotocolo. ; Caracterización de emulación de usuario primario en redes móviles de radio cognitiva. ; Metodología de diseño de antenas microstrip por caracterización del dieléctrico. ; Esquema de comunicación digital usando generador vectorial y SDR. ; Estrategia para coordinar y controlar los movimientos de un robot modular de tipo cadena basado en tecnología de internet de las cosas. ; Detección de información relevante en funciones de modo intrínseco. ; Evaluación del proceso de falla en mezclas asfálticas a partir del análisis digital de imágenes. ; Identificación y detección de fallas en un accionamiento utilizando NN-NARX. ; Navegación PRM en dron comercial y simulación GAZEBO. ; Control PID/Difuso de velocidad y torque de motores de motores. ; Invernadero automatizado, instrumentación y lógica difusa. ; Prototipo control de vehículo robot por señales EMG.