Maestría en Ingeniería - Énfasis en Ingeniería Eléctrica

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  • Ítem
    Estudio de riesgo por rayos en Colombia a partir de la correlación entre mortalidad, densidad de descargas a tierra y densidad poblacional
    Villamil Sierra, Daniel Esteban; Rojas Cubides, Herbert Enrique; Santamaría Piedrahita, Francisco; 0000-0003-1253-6964; Rojas Cubides, Herbert Enrique [0000-0003-1253-6964]
    This research comprehensively exposes the application of remote sensing and geolocation for the tracking and evaluation of lightning flashes by using historical lightning incidence information provided by the Vaisala Inc® GLD360 lightning detection system. It also presents the methodology for calculating the ground flash density (GFD) through the geoprocessing of cloud-to-ground lightning data, both annual and multi-year, and the generation of maps indicating the distribution of GFD across Colombian territory. Subsequently, with the support of Geographic Information System (GIS) tools, the results of a methodology proposed in the United States to analyze the statistical correlation between GFD, population density (PD), and lightning mortality in the Colombian context are presented, at both municipal and provincial levels. For this purpose, GFD results are used in conjunction with PD information obtained from the most recent National Population and Housing Census (CNPV) and public records of lightning deaths made available by the National Administrative Department of Statistics (DANE). Finally, focusing on the estimation of lightning risk, the process of implementing the " Resilient Interventions - Municipal Disaster Risk Index Adjusted by Capacities" guide, developed by the National Planning Department (DNP), is detailed. For this, several criteria related to risk and capacity that the calculation possesses in each municipality for the municipal lightning risk index adjusted by capacities (lightning MRIC) are described. From this, a ranking is produced where the ten municipalities with the highest lightning MRIC are analyzed, and it is explained why in some of these territories there are no records of lightning deaths by DANE.