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  • Ítem
    Plan maestro de espacios bibliotecarios y de unidades de información 2022-2030
    (Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas) Jirón Popova, Mirna; Chisaba Pereira, Cristian Alejandro; Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas. Vicerrectoría Académica. Unidad Biblioteca; Jirón Popova, Mirna [0000-0002-0648-5964]; Chisaba Pereira, Cristian Alejandro [0000-0003-2952-5743]
    The Library Unit of the District University responds to the information and knowledge needs of the Institution, which are part of its substantive and general functions and are in accordance with its missionary purposes of strengthening the training of professionals and citizens of the highest human and professional quality. In academic terms, the Library System articulates its work in response to the demand for information resources that allow it to successfully carry out the continuous training and teaching processes of the University. In research, tools, technologies and sources of information are integrated that enhance, make visible and facilitate knowledge of the scientific advances of the District University at a local and international level. Likewise, in social projection, our Library System dialogues and offers scenarios for participation, training and access to information for the communities and citizens of the neighborhoods, localities and the City-Region in general. The development of suitable, modern spaces with all the corresponding facilities makes it possible to plan and deploy services that satisfy the current needs for information, leisure, reading, writing, oral skills, as well as study and research. Global space trends seek to guide a comprehensive approach to furniture, façades, lighting, sustainability and allowing human creativity, a key value in the development of these new spaces. Color, flexibility and emotionality are part of the new architectural bets that allow us to cross the borders of our library facilities.
  • Ítem
    Plan maestro del Sistema de Bibliotecas 2022-2030
    Chisaba Pereira, Cristian Alejandro; Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas. Sistema de Bibliotecas; Chisaba Pereira, Cristian Alejandro [0000-0003-2952-5743]
    Within the framework of the document Master Plan of the Library System of the Francisco José de Caldas District University 2022-2030, we are committed to a leading Library System at the national level in the offer of services, programs and projects that have an institutional and library impact of aimed at strengthening higher education, but also, with an international projection that allows us to be recognized for our library work. Consequently, our Library System aligns its functions with the University vision of being “recognized, nationally and internationally, as a high-quality institution in the training of responsible citizens and professionals of the best level, in the production of scientific, artistic and technological innovation; purposes that will be deployed in the fields of teaching, research and extension.”