Fondo Memoria Viva - Artes Musicales
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Ítem MUSICASAB. Grupos institucionalesBernal Martinez, Manuel; Rodriguez, Rubén; Lambuley, Ricardo; Preuss, Frank; Gómez, Irene; Biswell, Kent; Villamil, Cesar; Perilla, CarolinaThe musical groups of the Superior Academy of Arts of Bogotá are a concrete result of the path taken by the Musical Arts Curricular Project. A Program that, since its creation twelve years ago, has worked decisively to consolidate a cultural project that includes spaces for the production of knowledge, a solid training proposal and the consequent projection of its achievements to society. These groups arise from curriculum training spaces such as Ensembles and articulate their scope to the intense artistic activity that the Curricular Project offers to the city each semester (seventy concerts, for an audience of eight thousand people, on average). Such proposals include repertoires of various formats, genres, languages and composers - some of them, teachers at the Academy. In the same way, musical groups become agents that disseminate an institutional proposal that aims at the democratization of art and culture, formation of publics presentation and appropriation of artistic products conceived from an academic perspective. Invited by the pressing need to document this process, we propose the recording of this album, as sound evidence that records the current state of the program, its actors, its internal dynamics and results. On the other hand, we conceive this document as a conducive means for the circulation and dissemination of those musical expressions that have been of special interest to the Program: some typical of the musical tradition of the West, and others, musical manifestations inscribed in popular, traditional culture. and regional of our country and the continent. We hope that this work becomes a vital reference for our future development, that it perpetuates what has already been said and allows the music of the ASAB to reach as much and further than its musicians have dreamed of.Ítem Ensamble de clarinetesVélez Ospina, Jorge Andrés; Jáuregui Vera, Diana Alexandra; Murcia Bedoya, Mauricio; Jáuregui Vera, José Fernando; Rojas Bermúdez, Natalia Andrea; Alzate Cardona, Diego León; Malagón Morales, Sebastian; Infante, Julián Mateo; Puerto Medina, Julian Camilo; Gavilanes Montoya, Daniel Francisco; Embus Rodríguez, John Jairo; Díaz Camacho, Juan Ángel; Melo Álvarez, Andrés Giovani; Morales Reyes, Erika Valentina; Castañeda Amaya, Juan Carlos; Bejarano Alfonso, Sergio Alejandro; Hernández, Luis SneiderThe work is a reflection of the presence that the clarinet has come to acquire in Colombian popular music.Ítem Confluencias : tradiciones, músicas y contextosFarfán, Abdul; Rey, Libardo; Badillo, Alejandro; Morales, José A.; Ortega, Silvia Bibiana; Parra Navarrete, Ricardo Alfonso; Alarcón, David Fernando; Mesa Montañez, Juan Eulogio; González, Jesús Emilio; Salazar, Hernán Darío; Suárez, Dany; Villamil, César; Gaviria, Adalber; Gutiérrez, Anyer; Cordero, Ernesto; Salcedo, León; Zapata, Doris; Párraga, Manuel María; Garzón, Oscar Iván; Jackson Ramírez, Pedro Xavier; Bocanegra, Edward; Castillo, Julio; Piñeyro, Ignacio; Morales, Alex; Morales, Alexander; Velásquez, Edinson; Londoño, Yesid; Guzmán, Carlos GonzaloArtistic practices in our country and the movements and cycles of the transnational market have determined some ways and means of exercising the trade of music, be it from individual or group proposals as well as from how particular and global they may be. The recidivism and transformation engines of this musical praxis has been exercised as a mixture between the interpretive and compositional processes that integrate the way in which regional popular music, known as "oral tradition", is made in its daily life and the languages urban that reveal multiple ways of structuring sound proposals where the written, the heard and the interpretative are conjugated in the manner of a performative syncretism.Ítem Música ASAB Vol VBocangera, Guillermo; Alba, Jeny; Medina, Oriana; Patiño, Elizabeth; Bahamón, Diego; Franco, Efraín; Ardila, Carlos; Camperos, Germán; Bohórquez, Jhonnathan; Merlano, Natalia; Martínez, Beatriz; Vásquez, Juan; Sánchez, Luis; Herrán, Álvaro; Montenegro, Nelson; Gutiérrez, Jeiison; Rangel, Pedro; Celis, Oscar; Manchego, Michels; Peralta, Emmanuel; Ospina, Oscar; Cortés, Pedro; Carranza, Wilmer; Vargas, Lina; Sánchez, Luis; Villamil, Cesar; Londoño, Felipe; Cerquera, OscarFundamental documentation process for the Bogota and Colombian university musical and academic milieu.Ítem Música ASAB Vol IVBocangera, Guillermo; Montenegro, Jhon; Bahamón, Diego; Gaitán, Mauret; Guataquirá, Cristian; Corredor, Felipe; Aljure, Luis; Martínez, Beatriz; Almanza, Andrés; Osorio, Elizabeth; Gómez, José; Lis, Leoor; Lambuley, Estefania; Merlano, Natalia; Serrano, Diego; Arévalo, Mario; Sanabria, Carlos; Pardo, Mario; Heredia, Michael; Patiño, Elizabeth; Burbano, Andrés; Alba, Jenny; Medina, Oriana; Corredor, César; Franco, Efraín; Montenegro, Nelson; Gutiérrez, Yeisson; Fonseca, Omar; Luna, José; Cadena, Diego; Galvis, Laura; Villate, Germán; Nieves, Julián; Castañeda, Nicolás; Gómez, Rubén Darío; Sossa, Miguel; Manchego, Michels; Celis, OscarFundamental documentation process for the Bogota and Colombian university musical and academic milieu. The record considers itself as a record-object, record-music and an aesthetic bet that assumes the risks of diversity, coexistence, demonstrations and proposes a repertoire that turns out to be the most beautiful metaphor of our coexistence with the musicÍtem Música para guitarra - InterfluenciasBocanegra Jiménez, Guillermo; Leguizamón, Daniel; Arévalo, Mario; Forero, Daniel; Buitrago, Jairo; Rojas, Carlos Andrés; Giraldo Ángel, Camilo; Mora Betancur, Gabriel; Ayala, Ramón; Rincón, Andrea; Guerrero, Juan David; Flores Abad, Eduardo; Samacá, Juan Manuel; Cardona Marín, Bernardo Alonso; Ángel, Pedro Augusto; Alonso Rincón, William Giovanni; Quiroga, Camilo; Guerrero, Juan David; Ochoa, Luis; Salcedo, León; Ruiz, Carolina; Paéz, Carlos Mateo; Valenzuela, Harold Santiago; Dimaté, Felipe; Reyes, María Paula; Valencia, David; Bogotá, Paula Daniela; Benítez, Julián; Castañeda, Felipe; Pérez, Daniel; Vargas, Mónica; Vargas, Stiven; Velázquez, Nathalia María; Oliveros, David; Monroy, Juan; Castillo, JuliánIt is a record production that includes a sample of the work of the Acoustic Guitar Chair, within the framework of the permanent educational and artistic work directed and hosted by the Musical Arts Curricular Project.Ítem Reencuentro entre el folclor y la academiaSotelo García, Nicolás; Amador Mancípe, Óscar Orlando; Vera Varela, Juan Sebastián; Olarte, Paulo Andrés; Rodríguez Cufiño, Giovanny; Montaña, Gentil; Gómez Gutiérrez, Cindy Yineth; Revelo Burbano, José; Navarro, Óscar Iván; Guataquira, Miller Antonio; Guataquira, Cristian Camilo; Morales, Jorge Luis; Mejía, Jorge; Castro, William; Guío, Juan Carlos; Olaya, Johan Renné; Robles, Yimy Manuel; Montaña, Gentil; Acevedo Serrato, Ángela; Naranjo, Ángela Tatiana; Castillo Castillo, Cristobal; Jerez, Jefferson; Chaparro Nossa, Gabriel; Murillo Rincón, César Leonardo; Fandiño, Omar; Saboya, Lucas; Lozano Jaramillo, Hernán; Buitrago Díaz, Viviana; Acosta Orjuela, Lizeth; Cardona, León; Rodríguez Granada, Santiago; Rodríguez Moya, Diego; Peñafort, Ianko; Villota Moya, Santiago; Melo, Fabián; Vanegas, Julián; Chanaga, Alexis; Benavides, Alix Andrea; Rangel, Gerardo; Niño Alfonso, Iván Darío; Mendoza Forero, Ricardo; Walteros Lara, Raúl; Bocanegra, Miguel; León, Fernando; Barragán, Alejandro; Martínez, Gabriel; Lozano, CarlosReencuentro offers us a journey through the different and most important moments in the evolution and compositional and interpretive trends produced in Colombia during the 20th century. It represents the variety and richness of formats, timbral, compositional and interpretative explorations.Ítem Grabaciones de prácticas musicales en la ASAB. Música Asab vol IILambuley, Néstor; Lambuley, Ricardo; Luna, José Miguel; Cetina, Ángela Tatiana; Rojas, Néstor Uriel; Barrera Tacha, Ricardo; Cardona, León; Acosta, RodolfoThis version momentarily congeals tastes, drives, enjoyments and desires, expressed in repertoires and music that are imagined from instrumental timbres to the manner of colors, thought of as compositions and designed as arrangements or disarrangements, we do not know, which reflect the musical interests of our students and the creativity and experience of teachers.Ítem Hecho en CasaPineda, Carlos; Ascanio, Alex; Hernández, Manuel; Naranjo Cetina, Angela Tatiana; Mejía, Adolfo; Acevedo Serrato, Angelo; Morgante Combariza, Betina; Sossa, Daniel; Morales Rodríguez, Vanessa; Tejedor Salgado, Franklin; Sanchéz Gómez, Ernesto; Torres Reyes, Leidy Carolina; Zapata, Doris; Guío, Juan Carlo; Vanegas, Julian; Olaya, Johan René; Gutiérrez Cordero, Miguel Angel; Buitrago, Jairo Andrés; Olaya, Johan René; Castañeda Ortega, Victor Orlando; Arango, Jenny; Durán Romero, Maria Angélica; Bocanegra, Miguel; Sexteto Bacatá; Bocanegra, Miguel; Robles Páez, Yeimy Manuel; Cerquera Losada, Oscar Gabriel; Torres Chicuaco, Manuel; Farfán Bahamón, Abdul Darío; Alvarado Castañeda, Jorge Iván; Arango, Jenny; Torrealba, Juan Vicente; Triviño Alvarez, Paulo Andrés; Tarquino, Natalia; Morales, Vanesa; Monroy Camargo, Reinaldo; Zapata Barrios, Ricardo; Roa, Camilo Steven; Riaño Suárez, Sara Milena; Villota, Santiago Felipe; Leguízamo Ariza, Santiago; Castaño, Sebastian; Prieto, Andrés; Castro, Juan Sebastian; Escobar, José David; Rodríguez, Diego A; Martín, Miguel Angel; Ospina Manzanarez, Walter Miller; López Calderón, José Luis; Wilchez, Juliánt is the new musical work born from the ALAC extension project of the ASAB Faculty of Arts.Ítem Grabaciones de practicas músicales en la ASAB. Música asab vol. IIIVillamil, Cesar; Pereira, Diego Raúl; Bocanegra, Guillermo; Diaz, Leonardo; Durán, Isabel; Noguera, Julio; Diaz, Luis; Guzmán, Carlos; Gómez, Juan Diego; Alba, Jenny; Rueda, SandraMusicasab, gathers the achievements of teachers whose valuable and outstanding work in the Faculty is complemented by a recognized capacity for high quality artistic production in musical interpretation and composition.Ítem InterfluenciasGonzales, Raúl; Cortés, Hernán; Lambuley, Néstor; Lambuley, Ricardo; Mesa, Juan; Monroy, Reinaldo; Lopez, Carlos; Diaz, Luis; Mesa, Juan; Sosa, Juan; López, Carlos; Ramirez, Carlos; Mendoza, Ricardo; Triviño, Paulo; Guzman, Carlos; Zapata, Ricardo; Monroy, Reinaldo; Cetina, Carlos; Morales, Vanessa; Ascanio, Alexander; Martínez, Beatriz; Castañeda, DiegoIt collects and registers works composed, transcribed and or intervened by the maestro Samuel Bedoya SánchezÍtem Música ASAB vol VIGómez, Rubén Darío; Forero, Daniel Andrés; Herrán, Álvaro José; Molano, Germán; Ruiz, Sergio; Tacha, Ricardo; Herrera, Germán; Martínez, Beatriz; Bocanegra, Guillermo; Caicedo, Eduardo; Gómez, José; Acosta, Rodolfo; Morales, Luis; Gómez, José; Castro, Diego; Marcial, Arminda; Rodríguez, Edgar; Corredor, Tatiana; Castro, Walter; Sánchez, Nicolay; Ortiz, David; Cepeda, Iván; Corredor, Andrés; Guzmán, Julián; Sierra, Marco; Lambuley, Estefanía; Londoño, Diana; Pinto, Andrés; Parra, Pablo; Ortiz, Gabriel; Daza, Fredy; Garzón, Álvaro; Betancur, Alejandro; García, Fabio; Hernández, Cristian; Bueno, Oscar; Moreno, Sebastián; Aragón, Rubén; Narváez, Hugo; Castelar, Adrián; Guacaneme, Julián; Rodríguez, Germán; Bernal, Luis; Villamil, César; Ménez, César; Medina, César; Peña, JoséProposals and music that are made from within the Musical Arts Curricular ProjectÍtem MUSICASAB. Grupos institucionalesRodríguez, Rubén; Bernal Martínez, Manuel; Lambuley, RicardoThe musical groups of the Superior Academy of Arts of Bogotá, are a concrete result of the path traveled by the Curricular Project of Musical Arts.