Examinando por Materia "Planta de tratamiento de aguas residuales"
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Ítem Actualización del procedimiento operativo de manejo de residuos haciendo énfasis en la adecuada disposición, tratamiento y vertimiento de residuos peligrosos generados por la empresa Opharm LtdaGuzmán Sierra, Katherín; Cañón, Aura Melisa; Sánchez Sánchez, FernandoIn Colombia in 2021, Decree 1076 of 2015 of the Environment and Development Sector was updated Sustainable in order to regulate the behavior of companies in terms of waste so 6 The legislation prioritizes prevention in the generation of waste, and also establishes guidelines sectors for the correct treatment in the management of industrial waste since these in In particular, they dispose of a series of very different wastes, often dangerous or requiring special treatment by law, and precise disposal or recovery, and this is even more important when a natural resource is being directly affected, in the case of water waste contaminated with chemical and biological substances since they can be a risk to life and for the environment. Therefore, companies are required to strictly comply with of these specific guidelines, making it a process that is not very easy to understand and manage. Therefore, unfortunately, there are still compartments in the Opharm company today. ltda that are not compatible with sustainable waste management, there are non-compliances environmental legislation in the disposal and management of solid waste and wastewater and likewise, a direct and negative environmental impact is being caused to the water and soil; Given that, Currently the company does not have an environmental management system implemented to respect as much as possible to the environment and prevent the pollution that it generates in each process, according to the technical visit report of the district environment secretary "the establishment presents a comprehensive management plan for hospital and similar waste, which lacks the components: environmentally safe internal and external handling" likewise the company identifies and accepts that it is not updated in waste management since in its facilities are currently implementing a separation procedure waste by color code which is no longer valid according to resolution 2184, issued on December 26, 2019, in which the segregation of waste is modified with a new modality that involves the use of three new colors, and regarding hazardous waste solids, the company delivers said waste mostly without a security label and the In charge of their management is the external company ECOCAPITAL that collects them, treats them and responsible for its correct final disposal. 7 Another factor to take into account is the environmental impact that is generated linked to the industrial wastewater discharges, for this, the company has a industrial wastewater treatment (PTARI) in its facilities, however, the plant is not in operation so currently the contaminated waste by the pharmaceutical industry are being discharged directly into the sewage. For this reason, it is proposed to update the internal operating procedure for waste management. as dictated by current regulations and take charge of the control of discharges as establishes resolution 0631 of 2015Ítem Propuesta de plan de saneamiento y manejo de vertimientos para zonas francas, estudio de caso zona franca Bogotá S.A. (ZFB)Parra Bernal, Gina Valeria; Peñuela Lizarazo, Jenifer Tatiana; Hernández Montaña, VilmaResidual industrial water is a serious environmental problem because it has a negative impact on the environment, specifically on the water resource, the most serious of these problems is that it has an easy to implement solution, practice and efficient, with the proper treatment technology can be a shedding of water with high standards of quality, as it intends to pour with the implementation of the following proposal. Both in Colombia and at the local level, example, Bogotá are doing constant shedding without prior treatment or insufficient treated by the industries, which are located inside and in the vicinity of the city, are large volumes of waste water that are degrading even more surface water bodies which waters down for abstraction of water for drinking could be used, but in this so deplorable state is impossible. An adequate treatment of sewage brings many benefits for the environment and can bring them also for industries that can take advantage of all by-products obtained from treatment. The work that present to continuation, it is a case study that is specifically located in the frank zone of the locality of Fontibón in the city of Bogotá, it is a research of qualitative descriptive type, where have been taken the factors of the ZFB and from this investigation and previous knowledge, was made a detailed description of the type of sewage and was formulated a proposal with a treatment technology obtained from the union of a UASB reactor and current technology in the frank zone which is a treatment with activated sludge.Ítem Propuesta para el aprovechamiento de los biosólidos producidos en la planta de tratamiento de aguas residuales en Madrid - Cundinamarca, “Aguas La Prosperidad S.A.S.” alternativa desde el punto de vista microbiológicoMéndez Ávila, Nicolas; Melo Brito, Nadenka BeatrizThe purified sludge or biosolids generated in a wastewater treatment plant often present difficulties in terms of management and disposal, so alternatives have been generated for its use, where it is reincorporated into various processes, many of them around the recovery of soil, use as compost, fertilizer or energy generation from these biosolids. But in order to be involved in these processes, the sludge must comply with chemical, physical and microbiological parameters. For the case study, a microbiological characterization of the sludge from a WTP in Madrid - Cundinamarca was carried out, in order to propose two alternatives of use from the microbiological point of view, taking into account the regulations (decreto 1287 de 2014), the category within this standard and the information collected. A cost/benefit study was conducted to determine which alternative generates greater profitability and viability. And thus determine the proposal for the use of biosolids generated at the WTP located in Madrid - Cundinamarca, from the microbiological point of view.