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Ítem Análisis, mejoramiento y realización de procedimientos e instructivos bajo el esquema de trabajo seguro en la planta de producción de preflex S.A(Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas) Acosta Calderon, Maira Nayibe; Huertas Bermudez, JuanCarlos; Riveros Gomez,Victor HugoPreflex S.A, fabrica y comercializa emulsiones, dispersiones, resinas, adhesivos, tintas y materias primas de excelente calidad y competitividad, contribuyendo al desarrollo económico y social del país y teniendo siempre presente la preservación del medio ambiente, el bienestar de sus empleados y una justa retribución para los accionistas. La empresa Preflex S.A, busca ser líder del sector químico de la región andina, Centroamérica y del Caribe, ser aliado estratégico de nuestros clientes ofreciéndoles soluciones integrales a sus necesidades, con el propósito de generar crecimiento y rentabilidad sostenida para ambas partes. La seguridad industrial es parte fundamental en el buen desarrollo de los procesos de las compañías modernas, los procedimientos son necesarios como elementos de apoyo para que estas tareas sean desarrolladas de una mejor manera. En la actualidad las empresas tienen un enfoque de los procedimientos como algo netamente operativo, en los que se deben tener en cuenta todos los pasos y el mejor método para realizar los procesos, pero a pesar de existir una legislación que exige el manejo de estándares de seguridad en la ejecución de tareas que involucren alto riesgo, no se toman en cuenta estos aspectos cuando se elaboran este tipo de documentos, lo cual es un enfoque importante en el desarrollo de este proyecto.Ítem Automatización de la estructura de reparto a decantadores primarios de la planta de tratamiento de aguas residuales de la PTAR Salitre fase IINieto Cardenas, Manuel Alejandro; Quiroga Aguilar, Euren Esteban; Perdomo Charry, César AndreyIn 2007, the Interadministrative Agreement No. 171 between the Aqueduct and Sewerage Company of Bogotá - ESP, the Autonomous Regional Corporation of Cundinamarca and the District Secretary of the Environment was signed. In order to join efforts to contribute to the sanitation of the Bogotá River, establishing the scope of the megaproject and the definition of the works, in this context, phase II of the WWTP is opened. This paper presents the design and simulation of the automation of the distribution structure to primary decanters of the wastewater treatment plant of the WWTP Salitre Phase II, using a modular PLC and an HMI screen, where the traceability and control of the system in a graphic and intuitive way.Ítem Control de Proceso Automatizado Operado Mediante Interfaz Gráfica de Usuario para el Sistema de Control de Proceso T5553Botache Barajas, Luis Fernando; Mesa Lopez, Javier Dario; Hernández Suárez, Cesar Augusto; Chacón, Luis AlfredoThe presentation of this document shows the development and implementation of the project; "Automated process control operated in the graphical user interface for the process control system T5553", The project is included in the database of the electronics laboratory of the University District Francisco José de Caldas - Technological Faculty with the purpose to Create a tool as a pedagogical and student reference, which teaches the basic composition of the T5553 process control system and the incorporation of temperature control controls. The laboratory practices raised are based; in the execution of basic programs to program a PLC, the line of industrial temperature sensors, the handling of hydraulic pumps and, finally, the elaboration of PI & D diagrams. These practices become part of the practical content of the Subjects: Theory of control, Discrete Control, Automation and Instrumentation, curricula curriculum plans Technology in Electricity, Electrical Engineering. The controller for the T5553 was designed to adapt to an S7-300 PLC, which has been programmed using the STEP 7 PROFESSIONAL program and the graphical user interface was implemented and designed in the LABVIEW program. As a product of laboratory delivery, development tests and the implementation of a graphical interface, synchronized with a PLC, in addition to the electrical circuits to be implemented to ensure a connection between the different measuring instruments and actuators.Ítem Diseño de un sistema automatizado para el control y trazabilidad de la producción de guantes en látex en la ABS-780 para la empresa Eterna S.A.S.Rodríguez Peña, Oscar Andrés; Perdomo Charry, César AndreyThis document is focused on the search for solutions to the problems presented in the production system of the company Eterna S.A.S. located in the city of Bogotá, dedicated to the manufacture of cleaning products in different lines. In recent years the organization has had serious problems with its customers and its internal processes that have cost several million, staking its credibility and permanence in the market into play because the communication and control systems that it uses for the production of latex gloves have become obsolete due to its growth, this is why its problematic is taken and actions are offered corrective from the perspective of computer and industrial automation, without leaving behind some principles of production engineeringÍtem Diseño del control de enfriamiento para aceite hidráulico y la automatización de la maquina guillotina trilateral en la empresa Danaranjo S.A(Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas) Bautista Rocha, Ever Alfonso; Martinez Arias, Clodomiro; Escobar, AndresLa empresa Danaranjo consciente de la necesidad de mejorar continuamente sus procesos para producir y ofrecer mejores productos en cabeza de sus directorios telefónicos, libros y revistas consideró necesario mejorar su planta de maquinaria y equipos siendo una de sus máquinas la Guillotina Trilateral. Esta máquina corta el libro en sus dos lados y en la parte frontal dándole así el terminado final al libro para su entrega al cliente. Esta máquina trabaja con tres cuchillas, dos laterales montadas en un tripoide y una frontal, consta de un equipo hidráulico con motobomba de 1200 psi, un filtro y sus respectivos cilindros que operan las cuchillas y las electroválvulas que se encargan de accionar los cilindros de corte de los libros. Esta máquina presentaba múltiples fallas en su proceso de operación, debidas principalmente al recalentamiento progresivo del aceite hidráulico durante su trabajo ocasionando la pérdida de potencia de la misma, esto conllevaba un mantenimiento continuo y costoso al ser todos sus contactos electromecánicos. Se logró el enfriamiento del aceite mediante un control electrónico, cambiando la parte electromecánica por electrónica bajándose sus costos de mantenimiento, se cambiaron los microswitches electromecánicos por sensores inductivos y capacitivos. También se hizo necesario aumentar la capacidad de uso de la máquina, mejorando el ciclo básico de operación. Como una solución integral, se diseñó un control de enfriamiento del aceite, adecuando un control electrónico que opera proporcionalmente al aumento de temperatura. Se acopló un serpentín al sistema de enfriamiento, logrando con ello una estabilización de la temperatura del aceite y proporcionando un ambiente óptimo de trabajo del aceite hidráulico, que en este caso debe ser de aproximadamente unos 40 a 50 grados centígrados.Ítem Diseño e Implementación de Algoritmo para Monitoreo y Control Industrial en Bombas de Gas desde Cabeza de PozoPeña González, Michael Andrés; Camargo López, Julián RolandoThis document allows the reader to have a clear idea about the development and implementation of an algorithm for Industrial Control in Gas Pumps, based mainly on the use of Modbus functions and their configuration within a satellite network. The development includes for the end user the possibility of exercising continuous control over the gas production wells that are several kilometers from the control and operations center.Ítem Diseño y simulación de un sistema de medición de insumos dosificados en el tratamiento de aguas con residuos de procesos de galvanizadoPreciado Luis, Alejandro; Cruz Cuadros, Jose Arnoldo; Camargo López, Julián RolandoThe development of this document was focused on the identification of the process of treatment for non-domestic water with waste from galvanizing processes, the design of a system to measure the dosage of inputs to corroborate the quantities required by the process, as well as registering the total of the quantities of consumed material allowing to trace the consumption based on real data and not estimated information, as it is carried out nowadays.Ítem Estandarización Del Proceso De Impresión Para Rotulación En La Planta Termoformado En Línea De Multidimensionales S.A.SRomero Ochoa, Daniel Fernando; Mayorga Morato, Manuel AlfonsoMultidimensionales SAS, one of the companies of the Phoenix group, is positioned as one of the main companies in the packaging market in Colombia and this is due to its management system that always seeks to improve, reducing expenses in its processes and maintaining the quality of the products . This project that seeks to minimize time and, above all, to guarantee a decrease in the consumption of inputs in the printing process, through an application designed to facilitate printing and generate records, Which together with its due control will achieve the objectives set.Ítem Estandarización, Control y Medición de las Postadiciones Agregadas al Detergente en Dersa, Sección PostadicionesCruz Torres, Michael David; Mayorga Morato, Manuel AlfonsoDetergentes Ltda. It is a large company located in the town of Puente Aranda surrounded by an industrial sector, is a company that produces different types of products for the cleaning of the home and industrial products. Inside its plant is the production plant for detergents and soap in this liquid soap and bar Following is the process of elaboration of the different types of detergents that DERSA elaborates, and will illustrate the changes that the process of the analysis of graces and tools implemented in the area of Post Additions has had, To avoid reproducing and optimizing the Raw material to avoid waste. This area did not have a tool that the mechanism that dosed the exact amount of additions added to the detergents, Everything is in the area SABIZ (fourth floor) Post-additions, many variations in its elaboration and modeling, was performed Sampling and Taking data with the help of the operators and finally with the data was assembled the model which indicates the amount of addition that the detergent must carry, a process a little long but a lot of learning and feedback. In order to understand the results, analyze them and take advantage of them for the benefit of the company, there is a need to develop a tool that provides this analytical support both operational and administrative, this tool provides exact data on quantities of raw material which helps greatly improve the quality of Product, in this way DERSA guarantees its customers that their products meet quality standards at a low cost. The development of the tool was estimated as a sustained projective research in a field and documentary design.Ítem Estudio y diseño de controladores polinomiales RST aplicados a plantas lineales en tiempo discreto(Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas) Prieto, Martha; Soriano, José JairoEn este documento se presenta el estudio y diseño de controladores polinomiales RST aplicados a plantas lineales en tiempo discreto, así como un análisis comparativo con el diseño clásico de controladores PID (Proporcional, Integral, Derivativo) y su desempeño temporal. Este trabajo se realiza con el fin de exponer a profundidad los métodos de síntesis del regulador RST, vislumbrando sus alcances en comparación con controladores PID clásicos en cierto número plantas lineales en tiempo discreto, así como la automatización del cálculo y simulación del desempeño de reguladores RST mediante una herramienta Software desarrollada. El diseño de los controladores RST está basado en un método analítico que proporciona tres polinomios diferentes R, S y T calculados algebraicamente a partir de la función de transferencia discreta de la planta sin importar su orden, así como las dinámicas deseadas en regulación y seguimiento. Por su parte, el cálculo de los parámetros del controlador PID clásico está asociado al orden de los sistemas lineales a controlar, existiendo algunas expresiones y tabulaciones dadas experimentalmente para sistemas de órdenes bajos con características especiales (tiempos de retardo, índices de desempeño específicos, etc.). Con la ayuda del Benchmark Systems for PID controls presentado por los profesores K.J. Aström y T. Hägglund de la Lund University de Suiza (departamento de control automático) se seleccionaron plantas lineales e invariantes en el tiempo sobre las cuales se realizaron las pruebas y análisis de los desempeños de control. Este trabajo se compone de tres partes: (1) la presentación del algoritmo de control RST y sus métodos de síntesis que contemplan especificaciones de desempeño que se desean cumplir, (2) la selección y discretización de 8 sistemas lineales diferentes (con algunas variantes) basados en un documento de referencia presentado por K.J. Astrom y T Hägglund, el diseño de control PID clásico paralelamente con el diseño RST para entradas escalón unitario, y la obtención de índices mínimos de desempeño de ambos métodos para efectuar la comparación pertinente, y (3) el desarrollo de una herramienta software de tipo interactivo bajo la plataforma Matlab® que automatiza el cálculo de los polinomios R, S y T, que evidencia el comportamiento temporal del sistema en lazo cerrado y del esfuerzo de control empleado.Ítem Implementación de un sistema SCADA para el control de una micro red inteligente en zona ruralRomero Poveda, Juan Sebastián; Camargo López, Julián RolandoThe main objective of this work is to determine the guidelines to be followed for the implementation of a SCADA system in the design of a mini intelligent electrical network. Climate change and the new energy requirements unleashed by modernity and globalization have generated the worldwide motivation to look for alternative sources of energy, as well as to seek the development and modernization of existing sources such as current electricity grids. Through this development, there have been some problems to maintain control and communication in the interaction of each of the elements that intervene in the network. For this reason it is intended to design a Scada system for the control and communication of each one of the elements that intervene there in order to mitigate the problems evidenced.Ítem Máquina Dispensadora de Cartones para la Linea de envasado de Latas en BavariaSuarez Narvaez, Robin Fernando; Tamayo Paez, Oscar Reinaldo; Camargo López, Julián RolandoThe present design looks for the ergonomic problems in the handling of loads in the Bavarian packaging line, concentrating on the activity of introducing cardboard packaging, in the packaging process for 24 bottles; being a process that generates a bad body posture, and a load lifting, quite often, since the machine is about to pass the production of the product. The purpose of the design is to mitigate the risk of diseases presented by workers who are engaged in work through the automation of this process. Therefore, the design of the packaging vending machine will be available in the capacity to feed the amount of packaging, making mechanical movements in order to put it on the production line autonomously and effectively, through the use of actuators Controls by a PLC and an HMI screen for the manipulation of the operators in the case that the manipulation of the operators in the case that is required.Ítem Plan de Mejoramiento en los Procesos de Control de Herramienta, Solicitud Entrega de Insumos y Maniobras a Realizar para Ejecutar un Mantenimiento Preventivo, Correctivo o Proyecto ElectricoCruz Sotelo, Fredy Camilo; Murillo Rondón, Fred GeovannyStandardize the application processes - supply of inputs, control of tools and maneuvers to be performed by the team that is going to carry out preventive maintenance corrective or electrical project, in the company that demands such service by MEI Ltda. These processes will be built In the area of project coordination in conjunction with the management area and with the indispensable support of the technical area. Through a determined time of analysis of the current process, identify the main shortcomings. Establish an order to execute the processes, being objective with the information acquired in the analysis time. Create and determine an efficient process structure to execute progressively, which will be conformed by implementation of formats results of daily feedback with all the work team that is involved in this activity. A final evaluation of the standardization of processes will be carried out where the change in the dynamics of work at the time of the execution of a preventive maintenance, corrective or electrical project should be made. The area where the internship was developed is classified as technical area -Administrative (coordination of projects in conjunction with the management area and the maintenance team) which demands certain functions among them: make reports of preventive maintenance, corrective or electrical project under the requirements of the client who requires it, construction plans Electrical power and control product information collected in the field always under the verification of the engineer in charge in this case Mr. Henry Cifuentes tutor of the internship, accompaniment in the realization of quotes required by the potential customers of MEI Ltda and eventual accompaniment of assemblies Electrical and electromechanical In the execution of a preventive maintenance, corrective or electrical project, a more efficient work dynamics is evidenced, as a result of small changes as a better planning of the tasks to be carried out by means of the minutes of visit which were present in the company, but It was not useful. As a result of better planning, maintenance and projects are executed in a shorter time. The improved processes are clear and known to all personnel involved in the development of preventive, corrective or electrical project maintenance. This is a result of the presentation of the Processes.It has an updated inventory where you can get information about the status and quantity of the electrical equipment or tool of interest.Ítem Propuesta para optimizar la planeación, programación y control de la producción de componentes dentales en titanio en IMETIL LTDA(Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas) Ordoñez Solano, Edwar AlirioPropuesta para optimizar la planeacion, programacion y control de la produccion de componentes dentales en titanio en IMETIL LTDAÍtem Simulación en Automation Studio 6 del proceso de empaque de pañalMoreno Rodriguez, Edgar Felipe; Camargo López, Julián RolandoThe process of diaper production in one of the plants of Kimberly Clark Colombia® consists of the following general stages such as training, construction, assembly and packaging, highlighting the packaging area because it is the stage where the process is completed and performed the delivery of the final product. In this project an identification of the parts of the packing stage was made and a simulation of this process is presented in wired logic and ladder languageÍtem Sistema Experto Hibrido para Optimizar los Procesos de Programación, Zonificación y Diseño de Rutas de un Servicio de Mensajería Considerando Restricciones de Ventanas de Tiempo, Múltiples Periodos de Tiempo, Fechas de Vencimiento, Distancia y Horario en la CapacidadRodríguez Vásquez, William Camilo; López Santana, Eduyn RamiroThe degree project presents and resolves a vehicle routing model based on courier services. The description of the problem explains the operation model of these services. With regards to the proposed problem, this project explains and shows a methodology that will solve the problem of vehicle routing considering constraints of time window constraints, due dates, distance and capacity schedules. This methodology consists of solving the problem in three stages: Scheduling, Clustering and Route Design.