El baile deportivo y sus aportes en la formación universitaria en danza
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Contributions of ballroom dance sport in to universitary formation in dance. This research is based on self-ethnography and the experience of a sportman in ballroom dance sport. This is also a result of the interweave between an exploration and the academic education at a university degree in dance in Bogotá, Colombia. Throughout the following text, I briefly present the story and the development of this dance genre in Bogotá’s context, to recognize the cultural and social aspects that this kind of practice includes in the national sport scene. Even though the ballroom dance sport is and emergent sport, nowdays it counts with oficial institutions that support the development of this practice, creating spaces to form and divulgate the different scenaries and contests that allow people to recognize the corporal resources used in this practice and its importance as a sport. Finally, this research shows a comparison between the training and experience in ballroom dance sport and the academic education I was given at Proyecto Curricular Arte Danzario at Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas in Bogotá, Colombia.