Sistema telemático para la gestión del parqueadero de motocicletas de La Facultad Tecnológica
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Currently the technological headquarters of the Francisco José de Caldas District University presents a problem of spaces for parking vehicles due to the large number of officials, students and teachers who use the parking lot, additionally there are no projects or solutions to improve this situation, for So it was decided to create an application that helps control and manage the parking lot of the technology headquarters, improving waiting times and the order in place. This project is divided by chapters, in the first one the organization, definition and planning phase of the project is carried out, in this the objectives, scope, delimitations, statement of the problem, its justification and all the information that was collected to carry out the project are established. In the second chapter, the analysis of the project is presented, in which the roles and activities for each of this are identified, the Sprints are also analyzed since the Scrum methodology is chosen and finally, the user stories are linked to do the application with user needs. The third chapter presents the project design, in this chapter the definition, design and tests of the Sprints proposed or established in the previous chapter are carried out. In the fourth chapter the implementation of the project is presented so that the source codes of each of the Sprints worked in the project can be evidenced. The last chapter presents the tests that were carried out of the project which were validated with the technology acceptancemodel (TAM)