Robot lego para simular el desplazamiento tipo motocicleta
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Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas
El grupo de investigación en Robótica Móvil Autónoma “ROMA” de la Facultad Tecnológica de la Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas (Colombia), presenta en este documento los avances de la investigación del desarrollo de un robot móvil de dos ruedas (con una arquitectura tipo motocicleta) simulando su desplazamiento, de manera que el control de equilibrio se realiza estableciendo la posición a través de la dirección asistida por un manubrio. Para ello, se usan las herramientas del kit LEGO® MindStorms NXT 2.0 y el entorno de programación Labview®, no solo para el control sino también para visualizar el comportamiento de las diferentes variables. Con el estudio del robot se presentan los principales factores que influyen en el manejo de una motocicleta, como son: equilibrio, dirección y velocidad; y, gracias a los datos entregados por los sensores, se exhibe un análisis para poder tener datos lo más exactos posibles de las variaciones que intervienen a la hora de maniobrar un vehículo de dos ruedas.
The research group in Mobile Robotics Autonomous "ROMA" from technological faculty of the District University Francisco José de Caldas (Colombia) presents in this article the development of a mobile robot with two wheels - with architecture motorcycle-type, simulating displacement and setting the position by steering by a handle, to control balance. For It, was developed a robt using the tools of LEGO® NXT 2.0 and the kit MindStorms and Labview® programming environment, not only for control but also to visualize the behavior of the different variables. With the study, it presents the main factors influencing the handling of a motorcycle: balance, direction and speed; and, thanks to the data delivered by the sensors, present an analysis was performed in order to have exact data of the variations occurring when maneuvering a two-wheeled vehicle.
The research group in Mobile Robotics Autonomous "ROMA" from technological faculty of the District University Francisco José de Caldas (Colombia) presents in this article the development of a mobile robot with two wheels - with architecture motorcycle-type, simulating displacement and setting the position by steering by a handle, to control balance. For It, was developed a robt using the tools of LEGO® NXT 2.0 and the kit MindStorms and Labview® programming environment, not only for control but also to visualize the behavior of the different variables. With the study, it presents the main factors influencing the handling of a motorcycle: balance, direction and speed; and, thanks to the data delivered by the sensors, present an analysis was performed in order to have exact data of the variations occurring when maneuvering a two-wheeled vehicle.
Palabras clave
accelerometer, gyroscope, tilt, location, sensors, acelerómetro, giroscopio, inclinación, localización, sensores