Reconstitución estética decolonial
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This book is located in the trajectory of aesthetic decoloniality, a ruca that in its conceptualization began a little over a decade ago in the Doctorate in Latin American Cultural Studies, directed by Catherine Walsh at the Universidad Andina Simón Bolívar, in Quito, in which The authors of this work and other colleagues with whom a conversation and a series of long-term collaborations began take part. One of the central purposes of this book is precisely to update that conversation based on the path traveled, the experiences lived and the fruits of the sowings of Catherine and other members of the Modernity/Coloniality/Decoloniality Network. Among the results of the epistemic, ethical and aesthetic sowing of the aforementioned network is the training of around a hundred doctors who currently work from their places in various countries, to continue developing new perspectives of analysis and understanding of the cultural in relation to the social, the political, the economic, the epistemic, the aesthetic and the existential. Another important result is the Doctorate in Artistic Studies at the Francisco José de Caldas District University in Bogotá, created by a group of professors made up of several graduates of the aforementioned doctorate at the Simón Bolívar Andean University, with the strong support of Catherine, Walter Mignolo, Adolfo Alban, among others. And it is precisely the inaugural lecture of this doctorate, held in October 2019 by Walter Mignolo, the basis of the first chapter in which the meeting between epistemic reconstitution and aesthetic reconstitution is proposed.