Red de voz corporativa en entidades financieras: un estudio de tráfico
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Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas
Las necesidades tecnológicas del sistema financiero, surgidas de lasexpansiones en infraestructura, conducen a la innovación de sus plataformasde telecomunicaciones. En tal sentido, se ha incrementadola demanda por los denominados análisis de tráfico de las redes de vozcorporativa (ATRVC). Ellos implican el montaje de topologías, simulacionesy estudios descriptivos basados en estadísticas, buscando predecirel comportamiento de los recursos, de manera que, a partir deestos, los bancos, asertivamente, se adapten o amplíen eficientementesu infraestructura y garanticen la disponibilidad y fiabilidad de las plataformasa sus usuarios internos y externos. En este artículo, se describeun ATRVC, utilizando como apoyo el software Opnet Modeler®.Las simulaciones comparan la ocupación propia de la plataforma antes ydespués de algún proceso de ampliación proyectado e identifican puntosde saturación o subutilización de ancho de banda, compresión y canales,para adecuar los flujos de tráfico a los elementos físicos de la red.
The technology needs of the financial system arising from expansions in infrastructure, leading to the innovation of its telecommunications platforms. In this regard, it has increased the demand for so-called: analysis of network traffic Corporate Voice—ATRVC—. They involve the assembly of topologies, simulations and statistics based on descriptive studies, seeking to predict the behavior of resources, so that from these, banks, assertive, adapt or extend their infrastructure efficiently and ensure the availability and reliability platforms to their internal and external users. This article describes a ATRVC, using Opnet Modeler software support®. The simulations, compared’s occupation of the platform before and after a projected expansion process, identifying points of congestion or underutilization of bandwidth, compression and channels to accommodate traffic flows to the physical elements of the network.
The technology needs of the financial system arising from expansions in infrastructure, leading to the innovation of its telecommunications platforms. In this regard, it has increased the demand for so-called: analysis of network traffic Corporate Voice—ATRVC—. They involve the assembly of topologies, simulations and statistics based on descriptive studies, seeking to predict the behavior of resources, so that from these, banks, assertive, adapt or extend their infrastructure efficiently and ensure the availability and reliability platforms to their internal and external users. This article describes a ATRVC, using Opnet Modeler software support®. The simulations, compared’s occupation of the platform before and after a projected expansion process, identifying points of congestion or underutilization of bandwidth, compression and channels to accommodate traffic flows to the physical elements of the network.
Palabras clave
Corporate Voice network, traffic, compressors, bandwidth, channels, Opnet Modeler®, Redes de voz corporativa, tráfico, compresores, ancho de banda, canales, Opnet Modeler®