Comprensión de la noción de función y la articulación de los registros semióticos que la representan entre estudiantes que ingresan a un programa de Ingeniería
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Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas
El presente estudio se propone evaluar la comprensión de la noción de función y la capacidad de articular distintos registros semióticos para su representación por parte de los estudiantes de nuevo ingreso en la carrera universitaria en Colombia. Se toma como contexto inmediato la Facultad de Ingeniería de una Universidad Pública. Epistemológicamente el estudio se basa en el interaccionismo simbólico mediante el análisis de los significados que los estudiantes atribuyen a este concepto matemático cuando abordan la resolución de problemas. La metodología adoptada, en consecuencia, es cualitativa y se hace uso de la codificación teórica. Para el análisis de los resultados se ha aplicado la teoría fundamentada con un enfoque estructurado. La información que genera este estudio corresponde a una prueba en la que se mostró a los estudiantes dos representaciones gráficas con la intención de que identificaran cuál de ellas constituía una función, además de lo cual debían argumentar su respuesta. En total se analizan 86 argumentos alrededor del concepto. El análisis de datos se hizo a través del software Atlas/ti 7.0. El sistema de categorías emergente permite vislumbrar los siguientes hallazgos: deficiencias conceptuales, diversidad en aproximaciones conceptuales, referentes conceptuales, representaciones semióticas, y finalmente destacan las distintas variaciones conceptuales.
This study aims to assess the understanding of the notion of function and the ability to articulate different semiotic registers for representation by new students in the university in Colombia. Immediate context is taken as the Faculty of Engineering at a public university. Epistemologically the study is based on symbolic interaction by analyzing the meanings that students attributed to this mathematical concept when addressing problem solving. The methodology, therefore, is qualitatively and use of theoretical coding is done. For analysis of the results it has been applied grounded theory with a structured approach. The information generated by this study corresponds to a test that showed students two graphic representations with the intent to identify which of them was a function, besides which should argue their response. Altogether 86 arguments around the concept are analyzed. Data analysis was done through atlas.ti 7.0 software. The system allows a glimpse of emerging categories the following findings: conceptual deficiencies, diversity in conceptual approaches, conceptual referents, semiotic representations, and finally highlight the various conceptual variations.
This study aims to assess the understanding of the notion of function and the ability to articulate different semiotic registers for representation by new students in the university in Colombia. Immediate context is taken as the Faculty of Engineering at a public university. Epistemologically the study is based on symbolic interaction by analyzing the meanings that students attributed to this mathematical concept when addressing problem solving. The methodology, therefore, is qualitatively and use of theoretical coding is done. For analysis of the results it has been applied grounded theory with a structured approach. The information generated by this study corresponds to a test that showed students two graphic representations with the intent to identify which of them was a function, besides which should argue their response. Altogether 86 arguments around the concept are analyzed. Data analysis was done through atlas.ti 7.0 software. The system allows a glimpse of emerging categories the following findings: conceptual deficiencies, diversity in conceptual approaches, conceptual referents, semiotic representations, and finally highlight the various conceptual variations.
Palabras clave
semiotic representations, conceptual variations, semiotic registers, representaciones semánticas, variaciones conceptuales, registros semánticos