Discourse: Space for the constitution of the subject


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Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas






Discourse has been pointed as a site of struggle for power. However, when analyzing the teachers’ discourse of resistance to educationalreforms has been privileged an orientation that prescribes discourse-power relations to mere relations of protest and opposition. This paperexplores the relationship between subject, discourse and power in the Foucaultian perspective to make clear a relationdiscourse-power that enables the teacher to constitute himself as subject for practices of self-knowledge. As a context for theanalysis of these relationships is used the speeches of teachers organized in the FECODE against educational reformaround evaluation of learning and students promotion in Colombia, Decree 1290 of 2009, to identify ways of subjectconstitution, forms of resistance and delegitimation, revealing relationships between the state’s reform discourse andthe collective subject teacher’s anti discourse. In this setting is important to note how discourses become spaces for theconstruction of subjectivities. Particularly, I am interested in analyzing the speeches of FECODE to analyze knowledgepower-resistance as a way teachers think of themselves collective subject of actions and knowledge to fight for their field ofknowledge: evaluation of learning.

Palabras clave

discourse, power, subject, resistance, reform.
