Twin Texts: a Possibility to Involve Children in Inquiry-oriented Processes

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Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas


This article reports on the experience I lived while implementing the instructional design of my Masterthesis. The research proposal I am currently carrying out is primarily concerned about conflict resolutionand cooperative learning in the English classroom. The proposal was developed in a public primaryschool in Ciudad Bolivar, Bogotá, Colombia. Besides, my participants were a group of fourth graders. Themethodology used during the implementation had to do with: cooperative learning, in which learning impliesco-construction. The authoring cycle that is an option for involving students in inquiry processes, and twintexts, understood as the use of two books (one fictional & one non-fictional) related to the same topic butfrom different perspectives. The three elements described above were interwoven along the process. Toconclude, this experience helped me to recognize certain aspects regarding my professional practices: first,the importance of innovation. Second, the value of other teacher-researchers’ experiences and insights.Third, to recognize our students as owners of their learning process. Fourth, how the authoring cyclepromoted cooperative learning and decreased conflicts. Finally and foremost, the value of literature as apowerful language learning resource.Key words: inquiry-oriented curriculum,


Palabras clave

inquiry-oriented curriculum, the authoring cycle, twin texts, literacy development, cooperative learning, innovation, conflict resolution

