Un acercamiento al estado del arte en cloud computing
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Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas
Cloud Computing se vale del core de internet para ofrecer recursos software y hardware, a una gran gamma de usuarios finales, desde organizaciones internacionales hasta personas del “común”. En este sentido y dada su propuesta de un modelo de gestión tecnológica que cambia la forma tradicional en el aprovisionamiento y despliegue de infraestructura de redes y recursos hardware y software; hacia una nueva visión que los convierte en servicios, cloud computing se ha posicionado en el mundo de las Tecnologías de la Información y las Comunicaciones TIC´s como un nuevo paradigma que parece anunciar una larga estadía.El objetivo principal de este paper se centra en el acercamiento al estado del arte de esta tecnología en constante versión beta; de manera que permita ser el preámbulo a la alquimia necesaria para poner la ciencia al servicio del ser humano.En la primera sección se realiza un abrebocas de las diferentes visiones de lo que se define como cloud computing. En la sección dos se aborda la definición de la Computación en nube, tipos y características. La sección tres, se centra en el conceso existente en la definición de tres capas fundamentales: el Software como Servicio (SaaS), la Plataforma como Servicio (PaaS) y la Infraestructura como Servicio (IaaS).En la cuarta sección, proveedores de la nube, se mencionan las plataformas más representativas y los niveles de madurez que se consideran en estas organizaciones. La quinta parte recoge aspectos regulatorios reinantes en Colombia en materia de la TIC`s. Finalmente se presentan las conclusiones arrojadas del trabajo de investigación y el trabajo futuro.
Cloud computing uses the Internet to deliver core software and hardware resources, to a large gamma of end users, from international organizations to persons of “common”. In this regard and given his proposal for a technological management model changes the traditional way in the provision and deployment of network infrastructure and hardware and software resources, towards a new vision that makes services, cloud computing has positioned itself in the world of Information Technology and Communication ICT as a new paradigm which seems to announce a long stay.The main objective of this paper focuses on the approach to thestate of the art of this technology in beta constant, so that allowsit to be the preamble to the alchemy needed to put science at theservice of mankind.The first section offers a appetizer of different views of what is defined as cloud computing. Section two deals with the definition of Cloud Computing, types and characteristics. Section three focuses on the existing concessive in the definition of three basic layers: Software as a Service (SaaS), Platform as a Service (PaaS) and infrastructure as InService (IaaS). The fourth section, the cloud providers are mentioned most representative platforms and maturity levels considered in these organizations. The fifth part contains prevailing regulatory aspects Colombia on ICT `s. Finally, we present the conclusions drawn from the research work and future work.
Cloud computing uses the Internet to deliver core software and hardware resources, to a large gamma of end users, from international organizations to persons of “common”. In this regard and given his proposal for a technological management model changes the traditional way in the provision and deployment of network infrastructure and hardware and software resources, towards a new vision that makes services, cloud computing has positioned itself in the world of Information Technology and Communication ICT as a new paradigm which seems to announce a long stay.The main objective of this paper focuses on the approach to thestate of the art of this technology in beta constant, so that allowsit to be the preamble to the alchemy needed to put science at theservice of mankind.The first section offers a appetizer of different views of what is defined as cloud computing. Section two deals with the definition of Cloud Computing, types and characteristics. Section three focuses on the existing concessive in the definition of three basic layers: Software as a Service (SaaS), Platform as a Service (PaaS) and infrastructure as InService (IaaS). The fourth section, the cloud providers are mentioned most representative platforms and maturity levels considered in these organizations. The fifth part contains prevailing regulatory aspects Colombia on ICT `s. Finally, we present the conclusions drawn from the research work and future work.
Palabras clave
Grid Computing, PaaS, Virtualization, SaaS, IaaS, distributed systems, Grid Computing, PaaS, Virtualizacion, SaaS, IaaS, sistemas distribuidos.