Esas extrañas cosas del oficio llamadas conceptos
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Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas
Hay momentos en que uno se ve involucrado con conceptos y tópicos difíciles en la práctica del oficio o profesión, pues es tan volátil su consistencia —e innumerables los discursos y modos existentes— que resulta complejo comprender cómo se los puede instrumentar en los procesos del hacer humano. Al hablar de formación artística, el panorama se complejiza aún más, pues los conceptos que serían relevantes en los procesos de enseñanza-aprendizaje a veces se difuminan en un espacio carente de ética, disciplina y responsabilidad. Los sujetos discentes involucrados no están situados en lo que será su proyecto de vida y, con el relativismo posmoderno del "todo se vale", el oficio del docente o pedagogo de arte queda a la deriva académica. El oficio se justifica cuando se problematiza el proceso con los contenidos de un programa educativo, pero la realidad continua del docente es la indefinición teórica-metodológica: qué tipo, estilo o modo de pedagogía asumir para alcanzar qué tipo, estilo o modo de expresión artística. La cuestión hoy tendría que responder a tiempos, sujetos, contextos y métodos y revelaría de qué manera el arte y la pedagogía importan en el presente educativo latinoamericano
There are times, in the practice of the trade or profession, when one becomes involved with difficult concepts and topics because their consistency is so volatile and the speeches and existing modes around them are so numerous, that it is hard to understand how they can be implemented in the processes of human action. Speaking of art education, the picture is even more complex because the concepts that would be relevant in the processes of teaching and learning are sometimes blurred in a space devoid of ethics, discipline and responsibility. The learners involved are not placed in what will be their life project, and, with the postmodern relativism of “anything goes”, the role of the art teacher is in academic drift. The profession is justified when the process is problematized with the contents of an educational program, but the continuing reality of teaching is theoretical and methodological uncertainty: what type, style or mode of pedagogy need we partake to achieve what type, style or mode of artistic expression? The question, today, would have to answer to times, methods and contexts and would reveal how art and pedagogy matter in the present of Latin American education.
There are times, in the practice of the trade or profession, when one becomes involved with difficult concepts and topics because their consistency is so volatile and the speeches and existing modes around them are so numerous, that it is hard to understand how they can be implemented in the processes of human action. Speaking of art education, the picture is even more complex because the concepts that would be relevant in the processes of teaching and learning are sometimes blurred in a space devoid of ethics, discipline and responsibility. The learners involved are not placed in what will be their life project, and, with the postmodern relativism of “anything goes”, the role of the art teacher is in academic drift. The profession is justified when the process is problematized with the contents of an educational program, but the continuing reality of teaching is theoretical and methodological uncertainty: what type, style or mode of pedagogy need we partake to achieve what type, style or mode of artistic expression? The question, today, would have to answer to times, methods and contexts and would reveal how art and pedagogy matter in the present of Latin American education.
Palabras clave
Art, education, merchandise, postmodernism, knowledge