La escritura como actividad sociocultural compleja en el aula de transición: avances teóricos
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Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas
La escritura, como actividad sociocultural compleja, es una tecnología que surge como respuesta a una necesidad histórico cultural de comunicación, haciendo de este proceso una acción humanizadora que orienta a los sujetos en la comprensión, la comunicación y recreación del mundo. Como actividad, es un sistema con su propia estructura, sus propias transformaciones y su propio desarrollo. En este sentido, la escritura comprende dos componentes fundamentales: las acciones y las operaciones que permiten responder el qué y el cómo realizar la tarea de escribir. En consecuencia, la escuela necesita replantear los procesos de apropiación de la escritura, trascendiendo la simple representación de las grafías, al desarrollo de la escritura como un proceso psicológico superior que se alcanza en contextos históricos culturales particulares.
Writing, conceived of as a complex socio-cultural activity, is not only a technology which emerges as a response to a historical and cultural need for communication, that guides people in their understanding and re-creation of the world, but also a system with its own structure and development. In this sense, writing embraces two main components: the actions and operations which allow one to respond why and how writing should be carried out. Thus, schooling needs to restate the processes that deal with the internalization of writing, going beyond the simple representation of graphemes towards the development of writing as a higher psychological process that is reached in specific cultural and historical contexts.
Writing, conceived of as a complex socio-cultural activity, is not only a technology which emerges as a response to a historical and cultural need for communication, that guides people in their understanding and re-creation of the world, but also a system with its own structure and development. In this sense, writing embraces two main components: the actions and operations which allow one to respond why and how writing should be carried out. Thus, schooling needs to restate the processes that deal with the internalization of writing, going beyond the simple representation of graphemes towards the development of writing as a higher psychological process that is reached in specific cultural and historical contexts.
Palabras clave
escritura, actividad sociocultural