Impacto de la fragmentación espacial sobre el valor de los inmuebles de uso residencial utilizando la metodología de precios hedónicos, caso de estudio: Mosquera, Cundinamarca
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Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas
Este estudio determina el impacto económico de la fragmentación espacial sobre el valor comercial de los inmuebles de uso residencial utilizando el método de precios hedónicos. Se plantea un modelo basado en los atributos que se consideran más relevantes, teniendo en cuenta que este es un bien heterogéneo que está en función de sus características físicas y entorno. La metodología es aplicada para el análisis del mercado inmobiliario de Mosquera, Cundinamarca. Los resultados de los estimadores econométricos espaciales, sugieren que la fragmentación además de ser significativa, en bajos niveles implica un impacto negativo sobre el valor comercial de los inmuebles, mientras que los altos producen un incremento en el mismo.
This study develops the methodology to determine the economic impact of spatial fragmentation on the commercial value of property with residential use, it is using the hedonic price method based on attributes that are considered most relevant for the model, it is considering that this is an heterogeneous property that is in function on their physical characteristics and their environment. The methodology is applied to analyze the real states values in the municipality of Mosquera, Cundinamarca. The results of spatial econometric estimates suggest that fragmentation besides being significant, at low levels it impacts negatively the residential house prices and at high levels it increases the price.
This study develops the methodology to determine the economic impact of spatial fragmentation on the commercial value of property with residential use, it is using the hedonic price method based on attributes that are considered most relevant for the model, it is considering that this is an heterogeneous property that is in function on their physical characteristics and their environment. The methodology is applied to analyze the real states values in the municipality of Mosquera, Cundinamarca. The results of spatial econometric estimates suggest that fragmentation besides being significant, at low levels it impacts negatively the residential house prices and at high levels it increases the price.
Palabras clave
hedonic model, land uses, spatial econometric, spatial fragmentation, econometría espacial, fragmentación espacial, modelo hedónico, usos de suelo