Gestor de bibliografías para los espacios curriculares de Tecnología en Sistematización de Datos e Ingeniería en Telemática
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This Degree Project aims to develop an accessible platform with content from the different referents bibliographic managers belonging to the curricular project of technology in data systematization and Telematics Engineering from the Francisco José de Caldas de Bogotá addressed to the entire interested community. This project arises from the need of the society in general (Call it academic community and interested in joining the programs of undergraduate that are offered in the curricular project). This document describes the methodologies, architectures and functional structures implemented in the gathering of information, analysis and development of the web platform and its informative content will be available to the entire community belonging to the District University as for the external community. The people who make use of this website will have the disposition of all the information in how many, to the bibliographic references, with respect to the areas of knowledge, definition of content by undergraduate and others, in which it favors learning and encourage the academic community to generate action plans to improve contentand thus contribute to excellence, accreditation of current programs