La araña mutante
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Long ago i decided to shut off "what is important" or at least that thing i feel crushes through my whole body to get out. it was a result of my distrust, of ending up breaking inside for no reason, of feeling like the sound turned into a knot and feeling that at the end of the day, i wasn ́t being able to say what i wanted, my insecurity turnt silent and my own voice, a turmoil but know i feel that the main motive is me and my desire to make this project a solution to this states caused by the things left unsaid. That i pull out from me and from others what ́s inside, which is aparently what matters. Certainly, all of this began with the suspicion of saying without saying or to explore what cannot be said; but now i think that i am more of my own person for having shut myself up so much. I am those silences, the mystery of the unspoken and feared. Just Because it ́s not healthy is the reason i want it to remain. Mabe i just complicate the situation by turning it into another language or a combination of them all. because then, i will feel sheltered and protected on many ways, in all sort of experiences and not only on the language that makes me tremble. But i also don ́t want to lose myself by losing my trembling ways, which are more of a friction between all of my truths, maybe the real issue is not knowing how much to say. That is why, i resolve the plastic approach by detonating the entanglement, the state of confusion and the duality of the outside with the inside through a journey, to do this, i shoot portraits of those who get daily tangled up with me. Exposing them throughout my truth and as an imaginary trace where the thread burst out of their skin, almost like swallowing (us) With the idea of enhance this state of dizziness, it was supposed that the tool of burst on the pictures, which allow us to let be whoever is willing to reveal themselves. However, to deepen the space, it ́s necessary to take advantage of the will of the moment and make the only thing cutting the landscape is the wind itself. That ́s why the photographs are hanged from the roof making the instability of the piece a consent decision, highlighting the absence of walls, which makes the idea of coming and going an easier interpretation.