Del quehacer al mantequear
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“Del quehacer al mantequear” is a project that investigates the space, the ways of living and the relation with the individual. Analyzing my everyday life, and the relationship I have with the kitchen, I refer to my experiences, interpretations and questions at home; evidenced as the house being the first place we inhabit, where it is no longer the space that adapts to our needs, but we are the ones who adapt to it; where factors such as: the lack of time, the reduction of space, and the accelerated processes of change caused by capitalism, globalization and urbanization processes such as gentrification, affect the daily ways of living. The spaces are affected abruptly, the houses, and therefore the kitchen and the activities that are carried out there. The historical relationship established between the kitchen and the woman, makes this space one of the first in which gender roles are silently established. From the use of language and colloquial expressions, which allude to the kitchen, I thoroughly analyze this type of behavior. In this case, Colombianism mantequear, popularly used as a derogatory term that alludes to domestic chores especially within the kitchen, in turn, categorizes the woman who performs domestic chores as manteca, and manteco referred to a class person medium-low, lacking "class" and undesirable behavior. The consolidation, resignification and appropriation of these terms, are the product of the dynamics of power, class and gender established by the capitalist order in which daily actions are immersed, which are not inherent to women and spaces are not gender issue. We get used to this type of expressions and behaviors. When the habit embodies the custom, and the domestic reaffirms its character of domination, it alienates us. It is there where we should question and inquire about the everyday, about that apparently normal, about the trifles. Here is the importance of the mantequear, of us the mantecas and mantecos that mantequean. That encompass a series of activities, spaces, contexts and meanings, and that by highlighting and questioning its negative aspects, in turn highlights the importance and necessity of its execution, recognizing the value of everyday actions, kitchen and cook, as a subversive act that moves away from the banal and becomes a political trigger for social transformation. Pottery, cooking and mantequear; their definitions, connotations and interpretations have allowed me, through manteca (lard), to generate a dialogue both plastic and conceptually, among these three elements; that converge and materialize in a plastic installation as a result of this project.