Seguimiento y Evaluación para un Software de Administración para un Sistema de Gestión de Seguridad de la Información Basado en la Norma ISO 27001:2013
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For the management audit reference of the security of the information not seha established a standardized platform, for which there are too many empresasimplementando and execution of their own tools, which distribuyenbajo the collection of license to use.SGSIAdmin proposes the development of a tool that allows the administration of a management system based on the standard iso 27001:2013 including modulosgenerales that provide additional value to the security administrators, unlike of other existing tools in the market that have enfoqueshacia risk management, which has covered the general compendium deesta standard, giving the feasibility to companies who purchase it because that made under the open Source license application that it was developed by means ofa web pages generating tool that is PHPRuner, which includes a (MySql) database secured taking as strong in its ycomportamiento of the application execution, entity relationship having design data base it internally.