EL indio bitácora del proceso de creación
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This work compiles all the information produced from the research and process of elaboration of the monologue "El Indio", carried out by the actor and student Cristian Ruiz Valencia. This monologue was made from the historical character Jorge Eliécer Gaitán and his debate on the Massacre of the banana plantations in September 1929, ten months after the chilling event, in which the government was involved Conservative of Abadía Méndez and the National Army, in complicity with the company American United Fruit Company. In this text you will find in detail from the germ of the idea to the culminating details in the staging, all from anecdotes born from the direct experience in the search for history, writing the monologue and construction of the character, allowing the reader to approach the stage creation laboratory. For these characteristics, the entire development of the writing will be narrated in the first person, work log mode. The following written work will be divided into three phases, which consist of three steps specific when creating a monologue. It is clear that there are thousands of monologues, and that creation processes are infinite. This work does not pretend to give certainties about the creation scenic, but to relate the process of creation used in this case. The first phase was the historical research, based on the fact that the character of Gaitán was one of the protagonists of the history of the 20th century in Colombia. The second phase deals with the writing of the monologue, taking as ground the historical data that was compiled from the investigation. In this phase, the way in which the construction of the dramaturgy, using "the hero's journey" as a dramatic structure. In the third phase, you will find the process of character building and staging, also using the previous research to make an approach to the physical, vocal and psychological aspects of the character in question, in order to create the illusion of a trip to the past, of the hand of Jorge Eliecer Gaitán. This work is a trip to scenic creation, to the anecdotes that made up the latter creative process of the author in the career of Performing Arts with an emphasis on acting. Here It is revealed how the creation tools learned in the academy, which helped to find and build the monologue "El Indio", the story of a young lawyer who decides to go against the dark forces of the State, to denounce and publicize one of the most embarrassing pages in the history of Colombia: the Massacre of the banana plantations.