Prácticas pedagógicas en contexto de conflicto armado / Pedagogical practices in an armed conflict context
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Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas
Esta investigación revela los hallazgos obtenidos acerca de la reflexión sobre las prácticas pedagógicas de docentes en básica primaria, en un contexto de conflicto armado durante los años 1990 al 2000 en el municipio de Socotá´- Boyacá, realizado a partir de la reconstrucción oral y la memoria de actores. Los objetivos planteados describen el contexto sociopolítico y escolar en el cual se desarrolló el conflicto armado interno, establecen las formas que adoptaron las prácticas pedagógicas de los docentes de zona rural, para luego describir el significado y sentido de las mismas. Se enmarca a partir de un diseño investigativo fundamentado en el planteamiento de narrativas, permitiendo la comprensión de las prácticas pedagógicas a partir de dos técnicas: la primera, aborda el análisis de relatos como herramienta para la contextualización del conflicto armado, la segunda, recurre a la entrevista semi-estructurada, para establecer las formas que adoptaron las prácticas pedagógicas de los docentes.
This investigation presents the discoveries obtained from the reflection on the pedagogical practices in basic primary in a context of armed conflict during the 1990’s and the 2000’s in the municipality of Socotá, Boyacá, carried out from the oral reconstruction and the memory of actors. The outlined objectives describe the sociopolitical context and the school environment in which the internal armed conflict was developed, and establish the forms taken by the teacher’s pedagogical practices, to, then, describe their sense and their meaning. This paper is framed within an investigative design based on the formulation of narratives, allowing the comprehension of the pedagogical practices based on two techniques: the first one approaches the analysis of stories like a tool for the contextualization of the armed conflict, and the second one, turns to the semi-structured interview to establish the forms taken by the teacher’s pedagogical practices.
This investigation presents the discoveries obtained from the reflection on the pedagogical practices in basic primary in a context of armed conflict during the 1990’s and the 2000’s in the municipality of Socotá, Boyacá, carried out from the oral reconstruction and the memory of actors. The outlined objectives describe the sociopolitical context and the school environment in which the internal armed conflict was developed, and establish the forms taken by the teacher’s pedagogical practices, to, then, describe their sense and their meaning. This paper is framed within an investigative design based on the formulation of narratives, allowing the comprehension of the pedagogical practices based on two techniques: the first one approaches the analysis of stories like a tool for the contextualization of the armed conflict, and the second one, turns to the semi-structured interview to establish the forms taken by the teacher’s pedagogical practices.