Las comunidades de desarrollo profesional como vía de formación docente
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This book is a product that has its origin in several sources, mainly those related to research and innovation projects carried out during my years of professional experience, in the training of science teachers both at the initial level and in practice at the University. District Francisco José de Caldas. The model presented in this work is a product of this process of teacher training, which has been consolidated and applied in several research projects endorsed by the Francisco José de Caldas District University, including the first that has as title Contributions of the history of science to the professional development of chemistry teachers, supported by the Francisco José de Caldas District University and the Autonomous University of Barcelona; the second, entitled Characterization of a continuous training model for natural science teachers based on the promotion of Scientific Thinking Competencies. His theoretical and methodological contribution to the improvement of science education in Chile and Colombia based on research in science education, a project financed by MINCIENCIAS (Colombia) and Conicyt (Chile) (Contract 698-2013); finally, the project financed by the European Union (ERASMUS +. Project No: 561754-EPP-1-2015-1-CO-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP) entitled Cooperation Centers for the Promotion, Strengthening and Transfer of Good Practices that Support, Cultivate, Adapt, Communicate, Innovate and Welcome the university community (ACACIA). From these research projects, the theoretical and methodological frameworks were generated to contribute to a science teacher training model, which has been progressively consolidated and strengthened, which is why, throughout the work, presenting some cases studied in these projects. Our experience allows us to consider that the process can be taken to different contexts and other levels of teacher training, both in initial training, and with practicing teachers of primary or secondary education, and university, of course making the respective adaptations. For this reason, it was used as theoretical or methodological support for the second and third projects.