De la audición a la ontología de la música en las asignaturas de música y contexto del proyecto curricular de artes musicales,UDFJC
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Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas
RESUMENEl ejercicio pedagógico de asociar las prácticas musicales con el entorno diverso de los actores involucrados conduce a usar formas concretas de entender la naturaleza tanto del conocimiento musical como de las maneras en que dicho conocimiento es adquirido. ¿Qué es concebido como práctica de audición en las asignaturas que propenden por esta contextualización? ¿Cómo inciden estas prácticas de audición en la concepción de música y conocimiento musical? El objetivo de este texto es indagar por las ontologías de la música presentes en las asignaturas del área de Música y Contexto que se derivan de su relación con las prácticas de audición musical en el aula. Se analizan cualitativamente las respuestas que dieron los docentes de esta área a una entrevista estructurada, identificando ahí tendencias generales y particularidades en materia de ontologías de la música y formas de conocimiento musica
The pedagogical exercise of associating musical practices with the varied backgrounds of the agents involved leads to specific ways of understanding the nature of both musical knowledge and the paths through which such knowledge is acquired. What is understood as the practice of musical hearing in the courses that promote this contextualization? How do these practices affect hearing in the conception of music and musical knowledge? The purpose of this paper is to explore the ontologies of music present in the courses of the area of Music and Context derived from its relationship to musical hearing practices in the classroom. The answers given by teachers to a structured interview were qualitatively analyzed, identifying general trends and particularities surrounding the ontologies of music and musical forms of knowledge.
The pedagogical exercise of associating musical practices with the varied backgrounds of the agents involved leads to specific ways of understanding the nature of both musical knowledge and the paths through which such knowledge is acquired. What is understood as the practice of musical hearing in the courses that promote this contextualization? How do these practices affect hearing in the conception of music and musical knowledge? The purpose of this paper is to explore the ontologies of music present in the courses of the area of Music and Context derived from its relationship to musical hearing practices in the classroom. The answers given by teachers to a structured interview were qualitatively analyzed, identifying general trends and particularities surrounding the ontologies of music and musical forms of knowledge.
Palabras clave
Musical hearing, ontology of music, context, musical knowledge, Audiencia musical, ontología de la música, contexto, conocimiento musical