Prácticas colaborativas de los estudiantes dentro un enfoque mixto de un proceso de escritura en inglés como lengua extranjera.
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This descriptive qualitative research study aimed at analyzing a collaborative process writing approach using wikis in an EFL blended course. The project was carried out with 20 pre-intermediate adult learners enrolled in a hybrid course at a language center in Bogota, Colombia. The main objective of this study was to understand collaborative practices throughout a blended process writing approach in this group of EFL students. For the pedagogical implementation, a wiki page was used to create the space for learners to develop different collaborative writing tasks, while following different steps of the process writing approach. Additionally, this research project attempted to identify common practices students engaged in while working on their writing tasks. Data were collected by using field notes, students’ artifacts from the wiki community and transcripts of audio recordings collected in face to face sessions during the course of the intervention. Findings revealed that students got involved in the construction of a writing community where they positioned themselves in different roles within the community, and they developed awareness of writing features through the use of the blended process writing approach.