Control difuso aplicado a un convertidor DC-DC buck para una carga no lineal
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Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas. Colombia
Contexto: Este artículo presenta un sistema matemático llamado lógica difusa como técnica de control para mejorar el desempeño de un convertidor DC-DC (Buck) ante variaciones de cargas de no lineales.Método: Para ello se construyó por medio de Simulink MATLAB un convertidor DC-DC de lazo cerrado al cual se le colocó en serie un controlador basado en lógica difusa, con entradas de control de señal de voltaje de salida y de la derivada del voltaje y como salida un valor constante que sintoniza el ciclo útil de un modulador de pulsos (PWM), que luego ajustar la tensión de salida del controlador de acuerdo a una referencia deseada. El controlador difuso fue construido con funciones de pertenencia en las que se integraron variables lingüísticas que explican cuándo un valor de voltaje de salida debe corregirse y cuándo la variación del voltaje se sale de los rangos establecidos entre -1 y 1 por ciento de variación permitida. Resultados: Para evaluar el desempeño de este tipo de control se compara con un convertidor DC-DC con control de lazo cerrado de ganancia unitaria obteniendo un 40% de mejora en la integral de área respecto al controlador difuso con un tiempo de estabilización del orden de 0.01s. En las cargas no lineales existen fenómenos aleatorios o efectos indeseados propios de la resonancia del circuito por lo cual se emuló mediante la interrupción por ciclos de un interruptor controlado por tiempo.
Background: This paper presents a mathematical system called fuzzy logic as a control technique to improve the performance of a DC-DC converter (Buck) to changes in non-linear loads.Method: Through Simulink MATLAB was built a DC-DC converter of closed loop, which is placed in series with a controller based on fuzzy logic. The control inputs are the voltage signal and its derivative, and the output is a constant value, which tunes the duty cycle of a pulse modulator (PWM). This adjust the output of voltage of the controller according to a desired reference. The fuzzy controller was built with membership functions in which linguistic variables that explain when a value of output of voltage must be corrected and when the voltage variation is out of the established ranges between -1 and 1 percent of allowable variation were integrated.Results: To evaluate the performance of this type of control compared to a DC-DC converter with control of closed loop of unity gain, obtaining a 40% improvement in the integral of area regarding the fuzzy controller, with a stabilization time of 0.01s. In non-linear loads, there are random phenomena or own unwanted effects of resonance circuit, then was emulated by interrupting cycles of a time-controlled switch.
Background: This paper presents a mathematical system called fuzzy logic as a control technique to improve the performance of a DC-DC converter (Buck) to changes in non-linear loads.Method: Through Simulink MATLAB was built a DC-DC converter of closed loop, which is placed in series with a controller based on fuzzy logic. The control inputs are the voltage signal and its derivative, and the output is a constant value, which tunes the duty cycle of a pulse modulator (PWM). This adjust the output of voltage of the controller according to a desired reference. The fuzzy controller was built with membership functions in which linguistic variables that explain when a value of output of voltage must be corrected and when the voltage variation is out of the established ranges between -1 and 1 percent of allowable variation were integrated.Results: To evaluate the performance of this type of control compared to a DC-DC converter with control of closed loop of unity gain, obtaining a 40% improvement in the integral of area regarding the fuzzy controller, with a stabilization time of 0.01s. In non-linear loads, there are random phenomena or own unwanted effects of resonance circuit, then was emulated by interrupting cycles of a time-controlled switch.
Palabras clave
nonlinear load, Buck converter, duty cycle, membership functions, fuzzy logic., carga no lineal, convertidor Buck, ciclo útil, funciones de pertenencia, lógica difusa