The Paradox of the End of Colonialism and the Permanency of Coloniality
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Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas
En este trabajo se intenta dar cuenta de la vigencia del colonialismo y de la tarea de decolonización de la teoría política, con el fin de ubicar nuestro interés particular por la estética en un horizonte teórico que nos permita la indagación propia del arte en nuestro contexto particular. Tres partes constituyen el trabajo: en la primera se ubica, de manera muy breve, la pregunta por la modernidad/colonialidad como un asunto de la estética; en la segunda se aborda la cartografía del poder global, con el propósito de detectar los vínculos de los problemas del arte con los problemas constitutivos del sistema mundo, que se despliega en una serie de jerarquías particulares, pero interrelacionadas, de poder; en la tercera se plantea un reto en la perspectiva ética y política de la transmodernidad, la decolonización y el diálogo interepistémico.
This work attempts to expose colonialism validity and the task of decolonization in political theory, with the purpose of locating our particular interest for aesthetics in a theoretical horizon that makes possible the inquiry characteristic of art in our particular context. Three parts constitute the work: in the first is located, in a very brief way, the question for the modernity/coloniality as a matter for aesthetics; in the second is undertaken global power’s cartography, with the aim of locating the links of art problems with constituent problems of the world system, which spreads in a series of particular, but interrelated power hierarchies; the third part outlines a challenge in the ethical and political perspective of trans-modernity, decolonization and the inter-epistemic dialogue.
This work attempts to expose colonialism validity and the task of decolonization in political theory, with the purpose of locating our particular interest for aesthetics in a theoretical horizon that makes possible the inquiry characteristic of art in our particular context. Three parts constitute the work: in the first is located, in a very brief way, the question for the modernity/coloniality as a matter for aesthetics; in the second is undertaken global power’s cartography, with the aim of locating the links of art problems with constituent problems of the world system, which spreads in a series of particular, but interrelated power hierarchies; the third part outlines a challenge in the ethical and political perspective of trans-modernity, decolonization and the inter-epistemic dialogue.
Palabras clave
cartography of power, decolonial aesthetic, inter-epistemic dialogue, modernity/coloniality, pluriverse, cartografía de poder, diálogo interepistémico, estética decolonial, modernidad/colonialidad, pluriverso