From pre-school to university: student-teachers’ characterize their EFL writing development
Viáfara Gozález, John Jairo
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Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas
Un recuento histórico de los enfoques utilizados para desarrollar la escritura en inglés como lengua extranjera o segunda y de las contribuciones de profesores colombianos en esta área, es el inicio de esta investigación cualitativa. El estudio explora las narraciones biográficas de futuros docentes de inglés en la Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Colombia para reconstruir como ha sido su aprendizaje de habilidades escritúrales en esta lengua. La investigación revela las prácticas metodológicas a las cuales los participantes han sido expuestos desde su educación temprana, hasta sus estudios en universidades colombianas, la mayoría Boyacenses. Finalmente, las implicaciones pedagógicas apuntan hacia la reflexión en relación con la formación de profesores en ejercicio y practicantes, en un momento en el cual se tejen grandes expectativas alrededor del aprendizaje de las lenguas extranjeras.
A historical review of approaches used to support students’ writing in English as a foreign or second language, as well as of Colombian teachers’ efforts to guide their pupils’ in this area becomes the starting point for this qualitative research. The study explores the biographical narratives of EFL pre-service teachers from Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Colombia (UPTC) to describe how they have developed their writing in English. The research reveals the methodological practices to which participants have been exposed from their early schooling until their university education in Colombian institutions, most of them located in Boyacá. Finally, the pedagogical implications seek to provide reflective points for the education of in-service and pre-service teachers at a time when higher standards in students’ foreign language learning are expected.
A historical review of approaches used to support students’ writing in English as a foreign or second language, as well as of Colombian teachers’ efforts to guide their pupils’ in this area becomes the starting point for this qualitative research. The study explores the biographical narratives of EFL pre-service teachers from Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Colombia (UPTC) to describe how they have developed their writing in English. The research reveals the methodological practices to which participants have been exposed from their early schooling until their university education in Colombian institutions, most of them located in Boyacá. Finally, the pedagogical implications seek to provide reflective points for the education of in-service and pre-service teachers at a time when higher standards in students’ foreign language learning are expected.
Palabras clave
EFL writing, teaching writing, instructional approaches for writing, pre-service teachers’ writing, biographical narratives, Escritura en inglés, enseñanza de la escritura, enfoques metodológicos para la escritura, escritura de estudiantes practicantes, narraciones biográficas