Actas de la Legislatura Provincial. Sesiones de septiembre 24,25,26,27,28,29
Autor corporativo
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ISSN de la revista
Título del volumen
The image contains a news item about the minutes of the Provincial Legislature in its Sessions of September 24, 25,26,27,28,29 During the Session of September 24, 1855 in Bogotá, at 10:30 a.m. On September 24, 1855, the session of the provincial Legislature was held. All members were present, except Messrs. Osorio, Rivas and Rosas Sandino, who apologized. Mr. Manrique was present in his place. The substitute deputy, Ramon Meléndez de Arjona, was sworn in by the president. The previous minutes and agenda were approved.
The topics discussed were:
- Distribution of documents related to the municipal corporations of Bogotá, Sobachoque and Oriente to the respective commissions.
- The Finance Commission received a note from the governor of the province and administrative section about the parish treasury of Villeta in the financial year of 1854.
- Deputy Mr. Martínez presented a draft resolution on charitable and charitable societies, which was approved.
- Continuation of the discussion of the repeal of ordinance 246.
- Discussion on the increase of the police force.
- Continuation of the discussion of the repeal of ordinance 246 with the participation of the general administrator of the provincial Treasury.
- Request from deputy Mr. Agustín Rodríguez Páez regarding the distribution of commissions.
- Election of the president and vice president of the corporation.
After the vote, the election results were announced and the meeting adjourned.
Session of September 25, 1855
In Bogotá, at 10:30 a.m. On September 25, 1855, the session of the provincial Legislature was held. The president and vice president were elected and the following matters were discussed:
- Discussion on the distribution of commissions.
- Agreement on the draft resolution of the Finance Committee.
- Discussion on the draft ordinance related to the police force.
- Continuation of the discussion on the draft ordinance that provides for the payment of salaries.
- Suspension of the discussion of the draft ordinance related to the increase in the police force to request copies of the minutes of the Provincial Board from the governor of the province.
- Adjournment of the session after there are no more topics to discuss.
Session of September 26, 1855
In Bogotá, at 10:30 a.m. On September 26, 1855, the session of the provincial Legislature was held. The topics discussed were: The session of the provincial Legislature began with the attendance of several members. During the session, several draft ordinances were discussed and reports on background and accounts related to various matters were presented. The payment of salaries earned by provincial employees was discussed and bills on primary public education and the request to eliminate a court in Cáqueza were examined. Some proposals and projects were approved, while others were discussed for presentation or later modification. The session concluded with the approval of several resolutions and the presentation of reports that require the attention of the Governor of the province. Finally, the meeting adjourned pending further discussions on these issues.
The Governor of the province forwarded the request of Mr. Francisco R. Pereira to the Finance Commission. A note from Mr. Accountant of the province on improvements in charitable establishments was also read. The General Business Commission reported that the Secretary of Government was informed about the arrangements at the San Bartolomé School. It was agreed to collect all data and documents related to the properties of the old College and pass them on to the Constituent Assembly.
Deputy Mr. Martínez presented a report from the Governor of the province on the measures taken in compliance with ordinance 231, which entrusted the ladies of Bogotá with the improvement of charitable establishments. A resolution was passed to recognize and thank the ladies for their work to benefit those in need.
The Finance Commission presented a report on the account of the Trustee of the Charity Hospital. The bill was approved and its publication in the provincial newspaper was ordered. It was also reported on the accounts of the General Administrator of the provincial Treasury and the Trustee of the Colegio de la Merced, which were approved without responsibilities or faults.
The Commission in charge of the request to change the name of the Sobachoque district to Pománá presented a draft ordinance that was rejected by vote.
Mr. Osorio Licaurte proposed that the Governor express his opinion on the agreements that should be temporarily suspended. It was agreed to distribute the 267 agreements among the members of the Legislature for their consideration.
Mr. Borda proposed that the substitutes for the Constituent Assembly be the 32 individuals who followed the principals in votes. This proposal was approved. There being no further matters to discuss, the meeting was adjourned. News published in El Repertorio on October 4, 1855.