Efecto de la utilización de harina de Lens culinaris como extensor en las características físicas y aceptabilidad de una salchicha
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Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas. Colombia
Objetivo: En esta investigación se utilizó harina de Lens culinaris variedad verdina como extensor carnico y se analizó su efecto en las características físicas y aceptabilidad de una salchicha.Metodología: Se obtuvo la harina, analizaron las características bromatológicas, el índice de absorción de lípidos (IAL) y la capacidad de retención de agua (CRA). Se elaboraron las salchichas y añadiendole un 5% de la harina, posteriormente al producto terminado se le evaluaron los parámetros bromatológicos, microbiológicos, texturales y sensoriales por triplicado.Analisis estadistico: Se empleó un diseño experimental completamente al azar, realizando tres replicas de la formulacion con harina de L. culinaris y se efectaron análisis de varianza para hallar las diferencias estadísticas.Resultados: El contenido de proteína de la harina fue 35,89% mientras que el de fibra 11,82%. La capacidad de retención de agua y el índice de absorción de lípidos para la harina fueron de 3,87 mL agua/g muestra y 2,01 mL de aceite/g muestra. El producto final presentó recuentos microbianos que estuvieron dentro de lo establecido por las Normas Técnicas Colombianas. La harina influyó positivamente en la aceptabilidad de las salchichas y fue favorable en todos los parámetros de textura, lo cual fue similar a lo obtenido en salchichas comerciales.Conclusiones: La harina de L. culinaris representa una alternativa como materia prima no cárnica en la elaboración de productos con interesantes valores proteicos. Estos resultados pueden incentivar la utilización de la harina de lenteja de la variedad verdina en productos alimenticios de consumo masivo.Financiamiento: Grupo de Investigación Nutrición Salud y Calidad Alimentaria, Universidad de Cartagena.
Objective: The objective of this research was to use Lens culinaris flour, verdina variety, as a meat extender, and to analyze its effect on the physical characteristics and acceptability of a sausage.Methodology: The flour was obtained and its qualitative characteristics, its oil absorption index (OAI) and its water holding capacity (WHC) were analyzed. The sausage was prepared, it was added 5% of flour to it; then, the bromatological, microbiological, textural, and sensory parameters per triplicate of the finished product were evaluated.Statistical Analysis: An experimental design was used completely at random, making three replicates of the formulation, and analysis of variances was performed to find statistical differences.Results: The protein content of the flour was 35.89 % while the fiber was 11.82%. The water holding capacity and the lipid index absorption were 3.87 mL water/ g sample, and 2.01 ml of oil/g sample. The final product showed that microbial counts were within the provisions of the Colombian Technical Standards. Flour positively influenced the acceptability of sausages and was favorable in all texture parameters, which were similar to those obtained in commercial sausages.Conclusions: L. culinaris flour represents a non-meat alternative raw material in the manufacture of products with interesting protein values. These results may encourage the use of Lentil flour with verdina variety of food products consumers.
Objective: The objective of this research was to use Lens culinaris flour, verdina variety, as a meat extender, and to analyze its effect on the physical characteristics and acceptability of a sausage.Methodology: The flour was obtained and its qualitative characteristics, its oil absorption index (OAI) and its water holding capacity (WHC) were analyzed. The sausage was prepared, it was added 5% of flour to it; then, the bromatological, microbiological, textural, and sensory parameters per triplicate of the finished product were evaluated.Statistical Analysis: An experimental design was used completely at random, making three replicates of the formulation, and analysis of variances was performed to find statistical differences.Results: The protein content of the flour was 35.89 % while the fiber was 11.82%. The water holding capacity and the lipid index absorption were 3.87 mL water/ g sample, and 2.01 ml of oil/g sample. The final product showed that microbial counts were within the provisions of the Colombian Technical Standards. Flour positively influenced the acceptability of sausages and was favorable in all texture parameters, which were similar to those obtained in commercial sausages.Conclusions: L. culinaris flour represents a non-meat alternative raw material in the manufacture of products with interesting protein values. These results may encourage the use of Lentil flour with verdina variety of food products consumers.
Palabras clave
Food, functionality, nutrition, protein., Alimento, funcionalidad, nutrición, proteína