Sociedades comercial de Plata y A de Vela.
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The image presents a news item called: Silver and A. de Vela trading company
COMMERCIAL SOCIETY OF SILVER AND A. OF SAILING. As the third Notary of the Circuit of Bogotá, where I have my domicile, I CERTIFY:
First: That by instrument number eighty-four, granted before me on the seventh of In the current month and year, Mr. Josó María Plata Umaña and Mrs. Tránsito Azar de Vela, domiciled in Bogotá, entered into a collective mercantile company agreement; Second. That the reason or corporate signature is that of "Plata & A. de Vela" Third. That the partner José María Plata Umaña is in charge of the administration of the businesses and who will exclusively use the corporate signature; Room. That the capital of said Society is twenty-eight thousand pesos, contributed to it in equal parts by the partners, in merchandise, and • Fifth. That the Society last six years counted from the first of last January. In evidence, I issue the present in Bogotá, on February twelve, one thousand eight hundred and ninety-four, The third notary Francisco Ramírez Castro. The undersigned Secretary of Court 4, of the Bogotá Circuit, certifies that by virtue of the provision established in article 470 of the Commercial Code, I register the above, extract, under number 71 to 'pages 74 return and 75 of the respective book, today February twenty of one thousand eight hundred and ninety-four. The Secretary, Santiago Wood,
COMMERCIAL SOCIETY OF MENDOZA AND CAMACHO As third Notary of the Circuit of Bogotá, domiciled in this city.
I certify:
First. That by deed executed before me in this city, dated February 15, 1894, under number one hundred and one, Messrs. Francisco Mendoza; P. and Cayetano Camacho, domiciled in this,' city of Bogotá, have entered into a collective trade partnership agreement.
Second. "The Company will use the corporate name of Mendoza & Camacho. Third.' The Company will be managed by both partners, and each of them may, separately, use the corporate name in the Company's business; but it is agreed that the permanent administration will be in charge of the partner Cayetano Camacho.
Room. The social capital will be the sum of twenty thousand pesos, contributed in money by the partner Francisco Mendoza. Partner Cayetano Camacho will only be an industrial partner. Fifth. The Society will last four years from the sixteenth of this month, but it may be extended for a longer period of time, if the partners agree to it.
In witness whereof I issue the present, in Bogotá, on February 17, one thousand eight hundred and ninety-four.
The third Notary Francisco Ramirez Castro
The undersigned Secretary of the 4th Court of the Bogotá Circuit certifies that, by virtue of the provision established in article 470 of the Commercial Code, he registers the previous extract, under number 72, on page 75 of the respective book, today Twenty-seventh of February, one thousand eight hundred and ninety-four. The Secretary, Santiago Wood.
PRINTING by Antonio Maria Silvestre
Director, Tomas Galarza.
Published in Cundinamarca Gazette. N 604 February 28, 1894. p. 172