Comprensión del fenómeno de la escucha en estudiantes de primer año medio de dos colegios particulares subvencionados de la comuna de Concepción
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Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas
Entre las competencias lingüístico-comunicativas que los sistemas de educación deben promover en sus estudiantes se consideran leer, escribir, hablar y escuchar. Sin embargo esta última habilidad, por distintas razones, es escasamente atendida en las aulas escolares. El objetivo de este artículo es dar a conocer una investigación para comprender cómo ocurre el proceso de aprendizaje de la escucha desde la perspectiva de un grupo de estudiantes. Para ello, se adoptó una metodología cualitativa descriptiva que consideró la realización de entrevistas a ocho estudiantes de entre14 y 15 años pertenecientes a dos establecimientos educacionales de la ciudad de Concepción (Chile) y la grabación en video de dos clases reales de Lenguaje en el mismo establecimiento. El análisis de los resultados indica que los estudiantes valoran el uso de recursos multimediales para captar su atención, aprecian la aplicación práctica de los conocimientos teóricos y exigen retroalimentación constante de sus actuaciones. Asimismo, para favorecer la escucha en el aula los estudiantes necesitan conocer explícitamente el objetivo de la clase, establecer conexión de lo aprendido con información del mundo real y asociarlo con metas personales de desarrollo.
Reading, writing, speaking and listening are among the communicative and linguistic competencies that the educational system should promote. However, for different reasons, this last ability is seldom considered in the classrooms. The aim of this article is to present a research to understand how the listening process happens, from the point of view of a group of school students. To carry out this research, a qualitative descriptive methodology was adopted, which considered: interviews to 8 students of 14 and 15 years old, from 2 educational institution of Concepción (Chile) city, and the video recording of 2 Spanish “real” classes in the same institution. The result analysis indicates that the students value the use of multimedia resources as a mean to get their attention; they appreciate the practical application of theoretical knowledge and demand constant feedback on their performances. At the same time, to promote listening ability in the classroom the students need to know explicitly the objective of the class, to establish connections between learning and real world information, and associate this with their own development goals.
Reading, writing, speaking and listening are among the communicative and linguistic competencies that the educational system should promote. However, for different reasons, this last ability is seldom considered in the classrooms. The aim of this article is to present a research to understand how the listening process happens, from the point of view of a group of school students. To carry out this research, a qualitative descriptive methodology was adopted, which considered: interviews to 8 students of 14 and 15 years old, from 2 educational institution of Concepción (Chile) city, and the video recording of 2 Spanish “real” classes in the same institution. The result analysis indicates that the students value the use of multimedia resources as a mean to get their attention; they appreciate the practical application of theoretical knowledge and demand constant feedback on their performances. At the same time, to promote listening ability in the classroom the students need to know explicitly the objective of the class, to establish connections between learning and real world information, and associate this with their own development goals.
Palabras clave
Listening, communicative competences, school, Escucha, competencias comunicativas, aula