Vigencia de la Bauhaus en la formación académica de los diseñadores gráficos
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Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas
RESUMEN Desde su formación en Alemania en 1919 la Bauhaus ha permitido que la profesión del diseño alcance nuevas alturas, estableciendo bases para su enseñanza académica, poniendo el arte al servicio de la industria, integrando diferentes disciplinas –desde la escultura hasta la psicología–para brindar al diseño un carácter en el cual la verdadera herramienta de trabajo es la mente humana y su percepción de la imagen. La formación del ser por encima del hacer, planteada por la Bauhaus desde sus comienzos y evidenciada en el trabajo de Johannes Itten, es un planteamiento a tener en cuenta, pues si bien la competencia técnica es fundamental para el desempeño laboral, la creatividad y la integralidad le otorgan al individuo la posibilidad de ofrecer soluciones satisfactorias frente a los problemas y las necesidades de su comunidad.PALABRAS CLAVES Bauhaus, creatividad, diseño gráfico, formación académica, Gestalt.IACHACHI KAIARREKUNA BAUHAUS SUGLLAPI Kai rurai kuna Alemania 1919 Kaiarreusorra iapa ministidú Tukugsamuska runakuna ima iachaska iukankuna Aidachinga sugkunata paikunapas iachaikungakuname Imasan rurare Imapas allila iugsengapa. Munarra Kaiarrespacha iukankuna allilla kawanga, kai run Jahannes Itten Muname kanse iapa ministidu imatrabaju rurangapapas Jiru kaskata allichingapa tukui allilla kidangame pipas Mana iakirispa kangachu.IMA SUTI RIMAI SIMI: Bauhaus- rurai- allilla rurai- iachachiskata- kawachi-Gestalt.CURRENCY OF THE BAUHAUS IN THE ACADEMIC TRAINING OF GRAPHIC DESIGNERS ABSTRACT Since its foundation in Germany in 1919, the Bauhaus has allowed the profession of design to reach new heights, establishing the bases for its academic teaching, putting art at the service of industry, integrating different disciplines –from sculpture to psychology– to provide design with a character in which the true work tool is the human mind and its perception of the image. Placing the education in being above the education in doing, a principle enacted by the Bauhaus since its inception and evidenced in the work of Johannes Itten, is an approach not to dismiss, because although technical competence is critical to job performance, only creativity and comprehensiveness give each individual the opportunity to offer satisfactory solutions to the problems and needs of her community.KEYWORDS Bauhaus, creativity, graphic design, professional education, Gestalt. t Rafael Ángel, 2015. Piezas gráficas elaboradas por Paula Andrea Gil, Esperanza Lara, Alexander Paredes, Cristian Buendía y Óscar Anacona, estudiantes del Programa de Producción Gráfica, dentro del curso de Historia del Diseño Gráfico, con el Profesor Rafael Ángel. Corporación Universitaria Autónoma de Nariño, 2013.VALIDITÉ DU BAUHAUS DANS LA FORMATION ACADÉMIQUE DES GRAPHISTES RÉSUMÉ Depuis sa création en 1919, le Bauhaus en Allemagne a permis à la profession du graphisme d’atteindre des hauteurs nouvelles, en établissant les bases pour son enseignement universitaire, en mettant l’art au service de l’industrie, et en intégrant des différentes disciplines –de la sculpture à la psychologie– pour fournir au graphisme un caractère où le véritable outil de travail est l’esprit humain et sa perception de l’image. La formation de l’être avant de celle du faire, soulevée par le Bauhaus depuis sa création et mise en évidence dans le travail de Johannes Itten, est une approche à considérer, parce que même si la compétence technique est essentielle à la performance au travail, la créativité et l’intégralité donnent aux individus la possibilité d’offrir des solutions satisfaisantes aux problèmes et aux besoins de leur communauté.MOTS CLÉS Bauhaus, créativité, graphisme, design graphique, formation universitaire, Gestalt.VIGÊNCIA DA BAUHAUS NA FORMAÇÃO ACADÊMICA DOS DESENHADORES GRÁFICOS RESUMO Desde sua formação na Alemanha em 1919 a Bauhaus há permitido que a profissão do desenho alcance novas alturas, estabelecendo bases para seu ensino acadêmico, pondo a arte ao serviço da indústria, integrando diferentes disciplinas – desde a escultura até a psicologia – para oferecer ao desenho um caráter no qual a verdadeira ferramenta de trabalho é a mente humana e sua percepção da imagem. A formação do ser por encima do fazer, planejada pela Bauhaus desses seus começos e evidência no trabalho de Johannes Itten, é um planejamento para ter uma conta, pois se bem a competência técnica é fundamental para o desempenho laboral, a criatividade e a integralidade lhe outorga, ao indivíduo a possibilidade de oferecer soluções satisfatórias diante aos problemas e as necessidades de sua comunidade.PALAVRAS CHAVES Bauhaus, criatividade, desenho-gráfico, formação acadêmica, Gestalt.
Since its foundation in Germany in 1919, the Bauhaus has allowed the profession of design to reach new heights, establishing the bases for its academic teaching, putting art at the service of industry, integrating different disciplines –from sculpture to psychology– to provide design with a character in which the true work tool is the human mind and its perception of the image. Placing the education in being above the education in doing, a principle enacted by the Bauhaus since its inception and evidenced in the work of Johannes Itten, is an approach not to dismiss, because although technical competence is critical to job performance, only creativity and comprehensiveness give each individual the opportunity to offer satisfactory solutions to the problems and needs of her community.
Since its foundation in Germany in 1919, the Bauhaus has allowed the profession of design to reach new heights, establishing the bases for its academic teaching, putting art at the service of industry, integrating different disciplines –from sculpture to psychology– to provide design with a character in which the true work tool is the human mind and its perception of the image. Placing the education in being above the education in doing, a principle enacted by the Bauhaus since its inception and evidenced in the work of Johannes Itten, is an approach not to dismiss, because although technical competence is critical to job performance, only creativity and comprehensiveness give each individual the opportunity to offer satisfactory solutions to the problems and needs of her community.
Palabras clave
Bauhaus, creatividad, diseño gráfico, formación académica, Gestalt