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Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas
La Facultad de Artes-ASAB en sus orígenes, incluso mucho antes de llegar a formarparte de la Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas —cuando era llamadaAcademia Superior de Artes de Bogotá—, comprendió que su compromiso era con laciudad, como una institución artística que le aporta a los bogotanos conocimiento através de las prácticas artísticas locales. Esa misión que ha querido mantener en losúltimos años como un acto de resistencia, ha hecho mella en el contexto inmediatoy, a su vez, ha tenido eco a nivel nacional e internacional, haciendo de la Facultad unnodo fundamental de las manifestaciones que desde el arte y por el arte se llevan acabo en el país.
The Faculty of Arts-ASAB in its origins, even long before it became part of the Francisco José de Caldas District University -when it was called the Superior Arts Academy of Bogotá-, understood that its commitment was to the city, as an artistic institution that contributes knowledge to Bogotá citizens through local artistic practices. This mission, which he has wanted to maintain over the last few years as an act of resistance, has taken a toll on the immediate context and, in turn, has had an impact at the national and international level, making the Faculty a fundamental unnode of the manifestations that from art and for art they are carried out in the country.
The Faculty of Arts-ASAB in its origins, even long before it became part of the Francisco José de Caldas District University -when it was called the Superior Arts Academy of Bogotá-, understood that its commitment was to the city, as an artistic institution that contributes knowledge to Bogotá citizens through local artistic practices. This mission, which he has wanted to maintain over the last few years as an act of resistance, has taken a toll on the immediate context and, in turn, has had an impact at the national and international level, making the Faculty a fundamental unnode of the manifestations that from art and for art they are carried out in the country.
Palabras clave
art, citizenship, university, arte, ciudadanías, universidad