Software para la consulta de información del personal vacunado contra el SARS-Cov-2(COVID-19) de una institución implementando Blockchain
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This project implements the use of Blockchain technology and Python language for the management of personal data, as a control tool in the current state of pandemic. Due to COVID-19, society is in a new reality, which is to live with the virus, keeping the "social distance", making use of mandatory biosecurity elements and the application of vaccines such as Pfizer/BioNTech, two versions of AstraZeneca/Oxford - SKBio, Sinovac, Janssen of Johnson & Johnson, the Serum Institute of India and the most recent vaccine the Modern. The pandemic presents a major problem and the search for an adequate management of the vaccines, the vaccinated population and with this the economic reactivation. Therefore, various technologies are being implemented to keep track of these actions. The information that is collected is recent, more or less 2 years after the pandemic and this information is from verified sources such as the United Nations Organization "UN" or the World Health Organization "WHO" with which the relevant data is taken to prepare the database in which the information of the users is stored. An example of the information that is referenced is this section from the WHO "Some people who have had COVID-19, whether or not they have required hospital care, continue to experience symptoms, including fatigue and various respiratory and neurological symptoms." in which they discuss the long-term effects of covid-19. All this in order to support and give an argument as to why this topic was selected as the main focus of the project. This event affected the whole world, and focusing directly on Colombia up to week 3 of September 2021, a figure of 4'931.563 infected people was registered according to the Ministry of Health. It can be seen that the number of infected people is quite a large number and that is why the review that must be carried with these people, in their vaccination schedule and its evolution must be constant, which is why a platform was developed in which the date of vaccination will be stored, the vaccine that was applied to the user and its evolution with respect to contagion after the doses applied, whether or not the doses of the vaccination schedule are complete and according to the recommendations that have each of these. This software will focus initially in Colombia, exactly in Bogota to monitor the vaccinated people, if they present new contagion or not, if they have the complete scheme, in addition to side effects after the vaccines have been applied.