Pensar la enseñanza de la historia y de la(s) ciencia(s) social(es). Historia de la Educación, la Pedagogía y la Educación Comparada
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The present work is a sample of the works carried out within the framework of the line of History of the teaching of Social Sciences in Colombia, which belongs to the emphasis of History of education, pedagogy and comparative education of the Inter-institutional Doctorate in Education , headquarters of the Francisco José de Caldas District University. In this line, research has been carried out that develops a permanent dialogue and in two senses between theoretical reflections and empirical constructions on the historical processes of the following issues: the conformation of disciplines and school knowledge, the constitution of the specific teaching professional field, the tensions between the general orientations of the official programs and their practical and real application in the school space-time; the multiple and contradictory relationships between technocentric worldviews and the contributions of critical theories of the social sciences to the visions of the natural and social world.