DIseño del sistema de ventilación del edificio Lectus de la Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas Sede Tecnológica
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The purpose of this degree project is to design a ventilation system for the Lectus building of the Francisco José de Caldas District University, specifically (Technological headquarters); This building does not have a ventilation system in most of the complex, therefore the implementation of a ventilation system is of utmost importance, since this building functions as a library for the same headquarters, where a constant flow of clean air must be established to guarantee the well-being of the people in this space, as well as the effectiveness of this system to reduce the humidity of the environment. What the project offers to the district university is the design of a ventilation system, where the Lectus building has constantly clean air that complies with what is established by the Ministry of Health and with the Colombian health regulations, and in turn the "ASHRAE 62.1" standard on which the Colombian ventilation regulations are based. To carry out this project, an investigation of the different ventilation systems will be carried out, the components to be used will also be analyzed to carry out an efficient system, where the different types of fans will be taken into account, also the pipe that best suits to avoid losses of efficiency and also the necessary motor, to obtain a great conservation of the available energy and that adapts to the needs of the project required by it; Design calculations will be taken into account to ensure good air quality inside the building. The plans for the building's ventilation system and the design of the ventilation system will also be drawn up. This will be done with the support of design software.