Estudio topográfico para elaboración de diseño de detalle de la línea de transmisión provisional y replanteo de la línea definitiva de la LT. a repotenciar de 34 kV a 115 kV entre las subestaciones Zipa-Ubaté
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Currently, the Zipa - Ubaté transmission line has an electrical potential of 34 kilovolts (kV) being a medium-voltage line. To expand the coverage of the region's energy service, the electric power distribution company ENEL CODENSA SA ESP requires repowering the power line of a medium-voltage (34kV) to a high-voltage line (115 kV). When repowering the medium-voltage transmission line, a power supply cut is required to reestablish the new structures that make up the new high voltage line, however, the region (North of Cundinamarca) can't be left without a power supply. For that, a provisional line will be built parallel to the existing one projected from the Zipa substation to the 34 kV Ubaté substation in order to supply power to municipalities provisionally. The topographic study consists of carrying out the topographic survey of the provisional line corridor and the layout of the new structures that make up the final 115kV Zipa-Ubaté high voltage line.