Recopilación, sistematización y análisis de experiencias pedagógicas del diplomado de formación musical nivel avanzado del Ministerio de Cultura, Regional Caribe, Sede Morroa (Sucre)
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The Diplomas in Musical Training are programs created by the Training Component of the Plan Nacional para la Convivencia (PNMC) of the Ministry of Culture, which have been carried out since 2015. These diplomas offer to teachers from different regions of the country, particularly who are linked to the Municipal Music Schools, the opportunity to study. In the second semester of 2018, I had the opportunity to participate in the Advanced Level Musical Training Diploma: Knowledge Dialogues, in which I lived with teachers from the Caribbean region in the municipality of Morroa - Sucre. Based on this experience, I systematized and analyzed the activities, observations, and relationships that manifested themselves there. This work seeks as its main objective: to collect, systematize and analyze the pedagogical experiences of the Diploma in question. Likewise, the previous objective is achieved through three methodological stages, which are: the theoretical foundation, the systematization and analysis of the information collected, and the socialization of work progress. These stages include procedures, tools and activities that allowed this work to be carried out. Finally, the parts of this work include a frame of reference that synthesizes the Musical Training Guidelines, the results which answer the research questions, the conclusions and a set of annexes that complement the body of the work and also work as inputs to future supplies related to musical pedagogical processes in regions of the country.