Definición de estrategías de manejo y control de afectaciones a áreas protegidas, analizando las acciones tomadas por entidades ambientales en cada proyecto
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It is now presented in much of the Homeland degradation of ecosystems invaluable para Territory largely because of human actions for what they are projects seek the economic development but leave aside the Conservation of Nature. In Colombia there are about 57 protected areas throughout the national territory which are under the jurisdiction of the National Parks of Colombia, in charge of making the management and handling of them, trying En Primera Conservation Measure areas such entity, by Results of the search quite important Management and Control Based Activities Different in these protected areas. By tracking is steady Made by National Parks of Colombia achieved a vision of the current status of protected areas, allowing the control and management of them, sin embargo son's many failures that occur due to the difficult joint information and related entities. By tracking the projects in protected areas you can consolidate information and identify current problems through the application of a matrix of Vester later para Generate Control and Management Strategies of current issues, using a methodology developed by the Latin American Institute Caribbean Economic and Social Planning, belonging to ECLAC, with clear fin generate a decrease in the degradation of protected areas of Colombia.