Análisis de la integración SIG, topografía y digitalización vectorial de imágenes para la gestión sostenible de la conservación y documentación de arte rupestre en el área arqueológica protegida Serranía de la Lindosa
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Geographic Information Technologies and specifically sciences such as topography and techniques such as vector image automation are becoming key factors for documentation and sustainable management in disciplines that require innovative solutions and that preserve the national heritage. Such is the case as archeology and rock art in our country, specifically in the Serranía de la Lindosa, which requires for its documentation and preservation, the integration of information taken in the field through non-invasive technologies such as the application of laser scanners, GPS antennas, and the processing of the information obtained through specialized software in the office, creating three-dimensional models and graphic outputs, which can be analyzed without causing any kind of damage to the rock art pieces. In this way, this thesis demonstrates the methodology proposed for the processing of data for the conservation and documentation of rock art in the Corralite and Raudal panels, in the Lindosa mountain range.