Sistematización del diseño y el desarrollo de la asignatura conceptos de gramática musical y formación auditiva I, en el programa curso Taller Preparatorio en Música del Municipio de Mosquera
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This document contains the systematization of a pedagogical practice carried out in the municipality of Mosquera - Cundinamarca, where the entire process of design and execution of a study plan for a selected subject is exposed concepts of musical grammar and auditory training I, which was part of the program Course preparatory workshop in music, offered to students of the Escuela de Formación Musical de Mosquera. This systematization is based on a series of logs taken from February 21 to June 27, 2019, during the first semester of the program. It contains a description of the process for preparing the course, and the analysis of my experience within it. This program was integrated as a pilot plan for the development of a Labor Technician in Arts by 2020 at the Colegio Salesiano Compartir de Mosquera.