Pasantía en el Colegio Del Santísimo Sacramento. Proceso pedagógico de una banda músico - marcial: Formación técnica instrumental, ensamble y coreografía.
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We present the pedagogical process implemented in the school ``Colegio Del Santísimo Sacramento'', this was structured as a series of stages that organically establish a technical-instrumental level resulting from a series of experiences that build concrete results. Considering the pedagogical, didactic, musical and martial-performatic aspects, eleven stages of the process were designed. Such stages were executed sequentially and/or in parallel, taking into account the interpreters and a multilevel assembly. The design of the activities was carried out in agreement with the available resources (resources of different kinds) and with the stage of the process being developed. As main record, a field diary was written. This diary allows to view the activities record in a systematic way, in addition to this, has the potential to be a reference for other marching band instructors due it shows the strengths and weaknesses of the developed pedagogical process. The development of a scrutiny of stages unveil the technical-instrumental, of assemble and choreographic contributions, as well as relevant considerations of each stage. The pedagogical process was developed in a complete and satisfactory way. Was achieved the formation of a marching band in a juvenile semi-special category with varied repertoires of basic and medium level, and with the capacity to perform choreographic revues. Became evident how the band has the ability to positively impact other aspects of the students' school life (academic, disciplinary, social and vocational aspects), to the point of being able to become a pedagogical tool for the institution (which for performance purposes is not ideal). The developed activities were distributed along the 2019 school year and and subjected to the scholar calendar of the school.