Apropiación de territorio y protección de las variedades nativas de semillas agrícolas, a través de la implementación de una huerta agroecológica y permacultural en el Colegio Instituto Técnico Industrial Francisco José de Caldas, Bogotá D.C.
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The protection of native seeds was established as a fundamental axis to guide and motivate the young people of eighth grade of the Francisco José de Caldas Industrial Technical Institute, located in Bogotá, for the appropriation of their territory. Thus, generating ideas transforming reality with the collective participation that empowered young people having a perspective of change to establish and re-establish a relationship of themselves and the environment. Becoming themselves in actors aware to the situation of Colombian agriculture, the loss of diversity of agricultural seeds and the recognition of ancestral knowledge of the Muisca culture. Practical workshops were held to contextualize the young people in relation to permaculture and the muisca traditions that allowed a critical and reflexive look on the agriculture. To achieve this, ecological agriculture and the social fabric were handled as tools, through the implementation of a vegetable garden. It brought together all the guiding concepts within the research and it approached each of the proposals given, which allowed the appropriation of the native seed and the territory, such as the Muisca cosmogony and some of the words usually used for this culture, the permacultural philosophy, the techniques of peasant agriculture and associated native fauna. The vegetable garden was planted in a space of common area in the institution, using as a thread leader the methodology based on critical pedagogy and Research-Action-Participation that allowed the systematization of the experience as well as serve as an alternative learning proposal, in this way, the children appropriated of the territory using the praxis outside the conventional classroom. All this contributed to the development of healthy habits in students, the internalization of being, value and consumption of food cultivated by Colombian peasants in order to reflect on the resistance and defense of native plants.