Juego y trayectorias de aprendizaje de la aritmética inicial en ambientes de aprendizaje que incluyen estudiantes en situación de discapacidad intelectual
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This work shows a proposal about the didactic design of accessible learning environments in a mathematic space into a regular school context, including students in Intellectual Disability situation (ID). In order to attend to the design, this work develop an articulation process with Learning Hypothetical Trajectories (THA) in the basic and beginning arithmetic which integrates: Subitization, Counting, Comparison, Order and Estimation, and Additive Operations, associated with an instructional design considering game´s heuristics: 1. Closed Circuit, 2. The ladder and 3. Mancalahoria, which contribute to the mathematical goals development; the didactic devices are also incorporated: workshop, game and classroom project and finally the process indicators proposed in the first five levels of the Real Trajectory of Learning (TRA). These particularize and are manifested in the process development of the student in ID situation, in order to explain the scope of the design.